On Friday, GameZone posted a preview on the upcoming post-apocalyptic MMOG Auto Assault, which presents a general overview on how the game will play and the impressions of the previewer.<blockquote>Players will be able to compete for resource nodes, and there will be endless supplies of ammunition and no death penalty. That’s right, when you die, you don’t incur a penalty, are transported back to the nearest repair station with only a small amount of hit points available.
“We wanted to go more fun than reality,” stated NetDevil’s Scott Brown, who also stated “all missions are handcrafted.”
“We call the game an action RPG,” he said.</blockquote>Also on Friday IGN posted their own preview of Auto Assault, where the previewer ignored the story and made up his own to fit the game.<blockquote>While event attendees were allowed to take a turn in the driver's seat later in the evening, a presentation demonstrating the ideas behind Auto Assault was given first. It's obvious that the guys at NetDevil are pretty happy with how the game is coming along and the opportunity to present an MMO to what they're imagining will be an entirely different audience than your typical persistent world game. But so as not to completely alienate a crowd that could be important to getting the community going, there will be plenty of options for character customization. In fact, before a player can even jump into a car and rip the world a new one, a character will have to be created. Players will first pick a faction and then customize the look of the avatar with different skin tones, hair styles and so on. Those of you that house some fantasy of being a hardcore apocalyptic auto babe, the future will have plenty to choose from.
On top of the simple looks of the character are attributes that govern combat, tech, theory, and perception. These numbers will be important because while much of the game truly is action oriented, some of the experience is still driven by the roll of the dice. Driving, for instance, is controlled by the character while handling of the car comes down to both the type of car components and character skill.</blockquote>Nothing new here, move along.
Auto Assault preview at GameZone.
Auto Assault preview at IGN.
Spotted at Blue's News.
“We wanted to go more fun than reality,” stated NetDevil’s Scott Brown, who also stated “all missions are handcrafted.”
“We call the game an action RPG,” he said.</blockquote>Also on Friday IGN posted their own preview of Auto Assault, where the previewer ignored the story and made up his own to fit the game.<blockquote>While event attendees were allowed to take a turn in the driver's seat later in the evening, a presentation demonstrating the ideas behind Auto Assault was given first. It's obvious that the guys at NetDevil are pretty happy with how the game is coming along and the opportunity to present an MMO to what they're imagining will be an entirely different audience than your typical persistent world game. But so as not to completely alienate a crowd that could be important to getting the community going, there will be plenty of options for character customization. In fact, before a player can even jump into a car and rip the world a new one, a character will have to be created. Players will first pick a faction and then customize the look of the avatar with different skin tones, hair styles and so on. Those of you that house some fantasy of being a hardcore apocalyptic auto babe, the future will have plenty to choose from.
On top of the simple looks of the character are attributes that govern combat, tech, theory, and perception. These numbers will be important because while much of the game truly is action oriented, some of the experience is still driven by the roll of the dice. Driving, for instance, is controlled by the character while handling of the car comes down to both the type of car components and character skill.</blockquote>Nothing new here, move along.
Auto Assault preview at GameZone.
Auto Assault preview at IGN.
Spotted at Blue's News.