Auto Assault Warcry interview


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Auto Assault Warcry has a new interview with the project lead for Auto Assault, Scott Brown. The interview is focused on the Massively Multiplayer aspect of the game, with questions about death penalties, beta testing, and guilds among other topics.<blockquote>WC: Without using the words "Massively Multiplayer Vehicular Combat Game set in a Post-Apocalyptic Future," describe Auto Assault.

Scott: Auto Assault is the game we’ve always wanted to play, but we couldn’t because it hadn’t been created yet. It is a fast-paced, action RPG where your actions can have a direct impact on the game environment – you can destroy virtually everything in your path and when you return to that area later, find it as you left it. There’s a great variety of things you can do – everything from solo missions to crafting to convoy missions and clan (our version of guild) activities.</blockquote>PAMMVCG, it's catchy.

Link: Auto Assault Warcry interview.

Spotted at Blue's News.
Hmph. His line of thought is similar to that of GTA and True Crime developers. Someone should inform these people that ability to freely destroy everything in your path doesn't mean the game is an RPG.

And Auto Assault is post-apocalyptic about as much as Zelda is sci-fi.
Didn't Zelda have lightning-enhanced swords?

And StarWars had light-sabers.

See? Sci-Fi!