Automatic CTD upon attempting to load


First time out of the vault
Hello all!
I just got a copy of this and attempted to upload and play the game. I got as far as loading game to the point where I can click on starting a NEW game, however, upon doing so, I get a "windows has encountered and error and needs to close this program" error crash every time. The following are my system specs (before anyone asks, yes, I have all of THE most current drivers for ALL of my hardware):
Intel pentium core 2 duo 2.4 processor
Intel DQ965GF chipset motherboard
Xfx GeForce 8600GT vid card
ASUS Xonar DX sound card
4G Kingston Value RAM

Any and ALL input to get me up and running from here would be MUCH appreciated. Thanks in advance! :mrgreen:
Hate to be a pest, but can anyone help me out here? :| I REALLY want to get this thing up and running. :)
I think Im experiencing the same problem as you Raiche... When EXACTLY is the game crashing?
For me it crashes right after the Video that appears when you click to start a new game, basically as soon as the game tries to load any In-Game graphics.

I also had the exact same problem with Oblvion.

Its strange really. On this pc I have a dual boot of XP, both OSs are the same, however one allows me to play Oblivion and Fallout 3 and the other does not.

Raiche, you might try using an OLDER driver for your graphics card and also perhaps updating windows.
As the OS I have that plays the game has an older graphics driver and has also been updated a little more (windoze updates).

Anyway, good luck getting it to run.