Avoiding unofficial F1/F2 patches?


First time out of the vault
I decided to try the unofficial F1 patch 1.3.5 by TeamX but I've noticed a few posts in this forum saying that F1 (TeamX) or F2 (Killap) unofficial patches should not be used for some reason. What are the reasons for that? Since these are supposed to correct the remaining bugs without adding new content, I don't see any reason why one should avoid them. Anything I don't know about them? I'm a completely new F1 player so I may be missing something important.
If you're going to install Restoration Project, then you shouldn't install killap's patch. But that's because installing Restoration Project installs the patch itself and installing it twice leads to bad things. Besides a situation like that, well, see the above post.
With F1 1.3.5 patch there is no problem.
However, you should read carefully the installation process.
F1 1.3.5 patch is really good, you should install it for a nice, bug-free playthrough (don't know why anyone would say that you should not install it... maybe as a way for people to notice the difference...).

Also, what the above poster said about installation.
what about F1 1.3.5? Any problems with that?
There had been discovered some issues with specific distributions of the game. But all of those are solved with the latest RC. RC in fact is still called RC just because of zero user feedback and my lack of a free time.
Before installing unoffical patches for F1 read carefully this, this and that. And make sure that you have dowloaded latest distributions. 3rd-party sites often provide outdated versions. Sometimes , unfortunately, even NMA does.

P.S. Just in case, "latest RC" means F1 1.2.1 RC. Which is obligatory prerequisite for F1 1.3.5. Unlike Killap's our patches are not cumulative.
Thanks for your replies. However, Alchemist has brought some confusion with patching. I've got conflicting information and I'm not sure whether I have to install 1.2 or 1.2.1 before 1.3.5.

I've got F1 1.2 US version that comes with Falout Trilogy (Interplay, 2009).

Wasteland Ghost on TeamX board said:
If it really is 1.2 US, install 1.2 patch anyway — there are some minor bugfixes — and then install 1.3.x.

If it is non-US version — install 1.2.1 (it is still release-candidate and was uploaded for testing purposes only) and then 1.3.x.

Alchemist said:
P.S. Just in case, "latest RC" means F1 1.2.1 RC. Which is obligatory prerequisite for F1 1.3.5.

Wasteland Ghost says I should install 1.2, Alchemist says 1.2.1 is mandatory. Who is right?
That's simple 1.2 == 1.2.0. 1.2.1 is a newer and more universal version of the same patch. If you have US release, 1.2.0 is enough. If it's UK/EU then 1.2.1 is mandatory.
Tricky part is that nobody knows, what release exactly have Interplay used as a base in their trilogy. The only sure thing is that they have already applyed some early version of the unofficial patches there. What can result in additional troubles. So use 1.2.1 to save your time and nerves.
I hate the "broken phone" talks... :)

Misterer (Ree?), I am not saying you have to install 1.2! As I said on TeamX forum, you don't need 1.2.1 if you have an US release, you may install 1.2 — it is tested and it is stable. If you want to test 1.2.1 — you're welcome. But it wold be better to test 1.2.1 with the other releases it was primarely intended for (the information on releases and problems can be found here). Problem is, I don't have any telepathic abilities, so I can't say what release do you have. Check the readme, not main menu screen, to find this out.

PS Alchemist, good to have you back. ;)

PPS Answered before I've seen Alchemist's post. :) So, there is no confusion, we're saying the same thing: for US version 1.2 is enough, for non-US 1.2.1 is a better choice.
All right, I checked a "vanilla" F1 installation that comes with Fallout Collection by Interplay. It seems to come with the semi-official 1.2 patch already applied since the game directory contains identical readme files to those included in the 1.2 distribution on teamx.ru. So I guess it's safe to conclude that I don't need 1.2.1 in its current state - 1.2 is just fine.
2Wasteland Ghost
Well, I've emerged from the oblivion in the last couple of month but still mostly in the R/O mode. :wink:

It doesn't really matter, what fan-made patches are pre-installed by the untrustworthy publisher. GOG distribution for example have our semi-official 1.2 patch too but it still is based on the EU release.
Get some handy MD5 calculation tool like HashTab and check hash sums for your DAT-files. If values match those listed below then it's safe to leave things like they do. Otherwise 1.2.1 RC is required.

CRITTER.DAT: b92ca2ad7c9afc404468a9287983ad90
MASTER.DAT: fb6a92a206191adf15440b2f9cbf014c
Hmm... I haven't though about publishers installing our patches. :)

I know many people are afraid of fan-made (or even fan-assembled) patches, so I try not to recommend them betas or RC when possible. Because there always are other people who like RCs. :)
CRITTER.DAT: b92ca2ad7c9afc404468a9287983ad90
MASTER.DAT: fb6a92a206191adf15440b2f9cbf014c
These match. Also, all the files that come in the TeamX 1.2 distribution match the corresponding files in my F1 installation (except for fallout.exe which is missing but that's ok since it's unused). I forgot to mention children are there in-game, too.

I guess there's nothing to check anymore - I've got a US version with 1.2 patch already pre-installed.

Thanks everyone.