Awaken in English


Lived Through the Heat Death
Ausir from Sierra Army Depot has passed me news on the release of the English version of the Awaken Mod For Fallout Tactics.
To those that aren`t familiar with the mod here`s some basic information on it:
<blockquote>Awaken is a mod for FT:BoS. It uses its engine but includes completely new storyline. It is based on Fallout 1 and offers about 30 hours of play in Fallout world. It is done by fans and for fans (didn't I heard that somewhere?) and it is freeware.</blockquote>
But there`s a catch that you guys should be aware while installing it:
<blockquote>Unfortunately because we don't have much web space, we can only afford you at the moment a patch that will change the Polish version of Awaken into an English one. All you have to do is to install Awaken (any version) then patch it with the Polish patch 1.31 and after that install the polish2english patch (which can be found in the download section).</blockquote>
So head on to the downloads page at the Awaken site and grab it, it´s the first major fan-made campaign to Fallout:Tactics, and it has elements from the original Fallout, so it`s worth a try from those that own the game.
Oh and if you don´t have a copy of Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel yet, you can now buy one at $4.95 dollars on the Interplay store.
I wanted to post this yesterday, but figured better to download it first, to check it out...

I must say that this mod has surprised me. They really did put a lot of work in this one. Cheers to awaken guys!

ps. overseers chair looks more liek Captain Kirks chair, but it's ok :)
I talked about the mod with Ausir yesterday, i was about to post about this earlier but then i thought you or Odin would have received a mail by now; and then i thought it would be better to wait for others to try it out, since i couldn`t; a small bug was found and a patch is already in their page, so i thought it would be ok to post it now.