b21 MOD... Silencer and Co.

Carib FMJ

Nuka-Cola Chaser
Okay, finally got it to work! Though they are small, they're pretty kick ass... Here's my field testing...

*Roll films*

I give you the Truck



Great, great, great. Funny thing, you've brought friends along, yet the soldiers at the bunker don't mind ;)

Of course, the mod probably isn't intended for a normal game, since there's quite a bit of good weaponry to be acquired for free.

I like Lich's use of the bank door for the bunker (Was this door even used in F2 or is it a remainder from the first game?) and the lots of float messages over the PC's head reminded me of ol' Zak McKracken and the likes...

EDIT: (m)

Carib FMJ said:
Recently tried out Silencer's Truck and B21 Mdd... Sweet and disturbing.

Uh, it's Lich's mod, mine is only the translation from Polish.
Silencer said:
I like Lich's use of the bank door for the bunker (Was this door even used in F2 or is irt a remainder from the firxst game?)

Without looking, I'm going to guess that it was in Lorenzo's office in Fo1 and in Redding in Fo2.
Chronus said:
Looks cool, but why would one have a howitzer in the middle of a bunker..insane :D

Why would anyone have one in the basement? :D

At any rate, Per: Yeah, I remembered Lorenzo's vault, but I've forgotten about the one in Redding.
The Vault Dual was a nice touch. Gives the bunker that secure look. Too bad the guy didn't have a pack of LMD cigarettes on him. Like from the Klamath Arroyo mod made by team X.

Oh, and in Retro-spect, props to Lich.
Heres my thoughts

- Speach in the bunker is sorta.... well...... poor. Not in the speach, but rather that the text loops. You can repeatedly have the same conversation, and be greeted multiple times.

- Is there a point behind the bunker ? It needs more dialouge, prehaps a few quests or something.

- At least make it possible to be asked to leave. Maybe make it into a Enclave or BOS outpost ? (yes, I know there is no connection, nor was one intended.) Or at least have a hackable computer that explains it some.

Otherwise, quite nice.
That would be nice... Hackable comps, maybe an NPC... But the feel was.... well twisted and isolated. The Truck could have made a nice special encounter... Or just a dot on the map. There should be highways in Fallout And some dead cities with buildings, but lots of evil rads to keep scavs out.