Background and Foreground layers?


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Hey i'm just wondering if this exists... in Fallout 1 there are several items/scenery that display "on top" when they should not -- see screenshot below.


Any help is appreciated, thank you!
Those dirt pieces were designed to sit beside buildings/walls, not in the open, but you can change the flag on the scenery and set it to flat. Silly map maker... :roll:
.Pixote. said:
Those dirt pieces were designed to sit beside buildings/walls, not in the open, but you can change the flag on the scenery and set it to flat. Silly map maker... :roll:
Could you show me where/how to change that flag? I've changed many flags before when working with bookshelves regarding the same layering issue, and it didn't seem to make any difference...
Sduibek said:
Could you show me where/how to change that flag? I've changed many flags before when working with bookshelves regarding the same layering issue, and it didn't seem to make any difference...

Bookshelves are different animals - they must sit against a wall, therefore the position of the wall is critical, and never make a bookshelf flat. If the bookshelf falls behind a wall - shift the entire wall one tile back, it can fix the problem, otherwise use different furniture. Remember the large shelves that can be used (item) has an extra piece to cover that area that the walls cover up. It's all about the length of an object in relation to the length of the wall pieces on the North/South's all in the frame offset numbers, but can't really be changed (crappy engine).

The flags for scenery - check the flat button. Remember to select the object on the map then change its flag...if you want the object to always have the new flag settings, then make the proto readable - change the flags inside the mapper - then make the object unreadable again (that saves the setting). Check around for tutorials...:wink:
