Bad char

JR Jansen

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
They should implement a lot more evel quests. Now before somebody starts dissing me. I know that this has been said before. The suggestion that i wont to make is that they could implement more bad karma traits like Berserker. For ex. you could become a cattle thief. Cattle enough in Fallout and what is more important then food. You could come in to a town, like Klamath, use a rope on a brahmin (ropes enough, certainly in F2), and their you go, you stole it, bad karma. For every brahmin you steal that way you get a karma deduction. After that you could bring it to a slaughterhouse, like in Modoc, and get some meat jerky out of it. Their should be some wild brahmin wandering the wastes. Just to make it fair for good characters.

I have been in agreement with this subject for a long time. The "Bad" character should be more prevalent in Fallout 3. Here is list of thing that they need to implement.

1. More Bad NPC's (alot more, just as many for good there should be for evil)

2. More Job's for the Bad Man

3. More Groups to join and to start for the Bad Man

4. More titles like levels of bad assness (when you start being bad you get the title of punk: a bad mofo that need to get knocked down a notch) or something like that

5. A bigger variety of weapons for the Bad Man to use.

6. the ability to customize items that you own to show that your an individual or that your a follower.

and I am SPENT

Sean "Bad Ass" Tomoc
Main problems with evil in FO and FO2

Here were most of the evil conversation options


B) Nah I dont wana go on an extra quest, Ill just kill you and take your (money/water chip etc.)

Heres the problem with A: Usually it resulted in a fight with someone bigger or stronger than you, that or they had larger numbers.

B: Lack of extra quests. People WANT to do more quests, also when you kill a shop keeper his inventory mysteriously vanishes, also, you often get MORE money and perks for being good (brotherhood of steel had WAY more advantages than raiders) not to mention if you kill someone everyone in town comes after you (grumble)