Balance the Budget.


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Tweak the United States' Federal Budget and try to eliminate the deficit. Keep in mind that if you have a significant surplus, it's best to reduce it by either paying off Net Interest or increasing the tax breaks. Social Security, Welfare, and Medicare are huge cash holes, though. So throwing money in there would work just as well in reducing a surplus. Assuming, of course, that you didn't cut them to create the surplus. :'D

Budget Totals
Old budget was $3251.488 billion
($2264.172 billion in spending, $987.316 billion in tax expenditures and cuts).
New budget is $2886.84 billion
($1778.68 billion in spending, $1108.16 billion in tax expenditures and cuts).

You have cut the deficit by $364.65 billion.
Your new deficit is $-7.64 billion.

You've done well enough that you can now save the results of your work. However,you can only do so once.


$469.66 billion: Military Spending
$65 billion: Iraq War
$96.98 billion: Veterans and Military Retirement
$23.78 billion: International affairs
$23.47 billion: Science, Space and Technology
$30.4 billion: Natural Resources and Environment
$17.74 billion: Agriculture
$8.7 billion: Commerce and Housing Credit
$71.74 billion: Transportation
$13.6 billion: Community & regional development
$87.12 billion: Education, Training & Services
$245.78 billion: Non-Medicare Health
$164.42 billion: Medicare
$96.85 billion: Retirement & Unemployment
$154.92 billion: Social Welfare Spending
$40.3 billion: Social security
$38.75 billion: Administration of justice
$19.48 billion: General government administration
$162.75 billion: Net interest

Tax Expenditures and Tax Cuts
$156 billion: 2001 Tax Cut
$164.84 billion: 2003 Tax Cut
$83.31 billion: Corporate Tax Breaks
$136.61 billion: Personal Business & Investment Benefits
$155.7 billion: Pension & Retirement Deductions
$120.16 billion: Employer-paid Health Insurance
$195.55 billion: Itemized Deductions
$95.99 billion: Other personal tax expenditures


Spending ($1778.68 billion: cut $485.48 billion)


Military Spending ($469.66 billion: increased $69.98 billion)
$108.85 billion .... Military personnel
Increased $9.89 bil. from base of $98.956 bil.( 10%)
$159.88 billion .... Operation and maintenance
Increased $26.64 bil. from base of $133.235 bil.( 20%)
$89.28 billion ..... Procurement
Increased $14.88 bil. from base of $74.396 bil.( 20%)
$80.38 billion ..... Research, development, test and evaluation
Increased $18.55 bil. from base of $61.827 bil.( 30%)
$11.22 billion ..... Military Construction, Family Housing and Other (No Change)
$17.3 billion ...... Atomic Energy Defense Activities (No Change)
$2.75 billion ...... Defense Related activities (No Change)


Iraq War ($65 billion: increased $15 billion)
$65 billion ........ Iraq War
Increased $15 bil. from base of $50.0 bil.( 30%)


Veterans and Military Retirement ($96.98 billion)
$35.43 billion ..... Military retirement pensions (No Change)
$31.67 billion ..... Pensions & Income security for veterans (No Change)
$2.38 billion ...... Veterans education, training, and rehabilitation (No Change)
$26.23 billion ..... Hospital and medical care for veterans (No Change)
$1.27 billion ...... Housing and other veterans benefits and services (No Change)


International affairs ($23.78 billion)
$7.92 billion ...... International development aid and financial programs (No Change)
$7.33 billion ...... International military aid (No Change)
$7.54 billion ...... Conduct of Foreign Affairs (No Change)
$0.99 billion ...... Foreign information and exchange activities (No Change)


General science, space, and technology ($23.47 billion)
$5.41 billion ...... National Science Foundation programs (No Change)
$3.58 billion ...... Department of Energy & Homeland Security general science programs (No Change)
$14.48 billion ..... Space flight, research, and supporting activities (No Change)


Non-Defense Energy Spending ($0.88 billion)
$0.52 billion ...... Energy supply and conservation (No Change)
$0.36 billion ...... Energy information, preparedness, & regulation (No Change)


Natural resources and environment ($30.4 billion)
$4.8 billion ....... Water resources (No Change)
$10.49 billion ..... Forest Service, Conservation and land management (No Change)
$3.03 billion ...... Recreational & Park resources (No Change)
$7.59 billion ...... Pollution control and abatement (No Change)
$4.49 billion ...... Other natural resources (No Change)


Agriculture ($17.74 billion: cut $3.39 billion)
$13.59 billion ..... Farm income stabilization & crop insurance
Cut $3.38 bil. from base of $16.985 bil.(-20%)
$4.15 billion ...... Agricultural research and services (No Change)


Commerce and housing credit ($8.7 billion)
$-0.18 billion ..... Mortgage credit (No Change)
$0.06 billion ...... Postal service (No Change)
$0 billion ......... Deposit insurance (No Change)
$8.82 billion ...... Other advancement of commerce (No Change)


Transportation ($71.74 billion: increased $7.91 billion)
$37.5 billion ...... Highways & Highway safety
Increased $6.25 bil. from base of $31.249 bil.( 20%)
$8.67 billion ...... Mass transit
Increased $1.44 bil. from base of $7.226 bil.( 20%)
$1.31 billion ...... Railroads
Increased $0.22 bil. from base of $1.089 bil.( 20%)
$17.37 billion ..... Air Transportion (No Change)
$6.48 billion ...... Water transportation (No Change)
$0.41 billion ...... Other transportation (No Change)


Community and regional development ($13.6 billion)
$5.17 billion ...... Community development (No Change)
$2.38 billion ...... Area and regional development (No Change)
$6.05 billion ...... Disaster relief and insurance (No Change)


Education, training, employment, and social services ($87.12 billion: increased $5.32 billion)
$39.33 billion ..... Elementary, Secondary & Vocational education
Increased $3.58 bil. from base of $35.754 bil.( 10%)
$24.82 billion ..... Higher education
Increased $2.26 bil. from base of $22.563 bil.( 10%)
$2.31 billion ...... Research and general education aids
Cut $0.57 bil. from base of $2.891 bil.(-20%)
$8.52 billion ...... Training and employment
Increased $1.42 bil. from base of $7.099 bil.( 20%)
$2.7 billion ....... Rehabilitation services
Cut $0.29 bil. from base of $3.003 bil.(-10%)
$9.44 billion ...... Other social and family services
Cut $1.04 bil. from base of $10.487 bil.(-10%)


Non-Medicare Health Spending ($245.78 billion)
$182.54 billion .... Medicaid grants (No Change)
$0.74 billion ...... State Children's Health Insurance (No Change)
$7.43 billion ...... Federal employees' and retired employees' health benefits (No Change)
$2.89 billion ...... Indian health (No Change)
$3.39 billion ...... Substance abuse and mental health services (No Change)
$33.66 billion ..... Health research, training and disease control (No Change)
$2.88 billion ...... Consumer and occupational health and safety (No Change)
$12.25 billion ..... Other health care services (No Change)


Medicare ($164.42 billion: cut $94.21 billion)
$112.33 billion .... Hospital insurance (HI)
Cut $48.13 bil. from base of $160.468 bil.(-30%)
$46.09 billion ..... Supplementary medical insurance (SMI)
Cut $46.07 bil. from base of $92.174 bil.(-50%)
$6 billion ......... Medicare modernization (proposed) (No Change)


Non-SS Retirement and Unemployment ($96.85 billion)
$0 billion ......... General retirement and disability insurance (excluding social security) (No Change)
$53.72 billion ..... Civilian retirement and disability programs (No Change)
$43.13 billion ..... Unemployment compensation (No Change)


Social Welfare Spending ($154.92 billion: cut $27.57 billion)
$30.12 billion ..... Housing assistance (No Change)
$22.18 billion ..... Food stamps
Cut $5.54 bil. from base of $27.729 bil.(-20%)
$17.83 billion ..... Other nutrition programs (WIC, school lunches) (No Change)
$16.74 billion ..... Supplemental security income (SSI)
Cut $16.72 bil. from base of $33.470 bil.(-50%)
$12.38 billion ..... Family support payments
Cut $5.3 bil. from base of $17.690 bil.(-30%)
$31.38 billion ..... Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) (No Change)
$2 billion ......... Low income home energy assistance (No Change)
$4.82 billion ...... Child care funds (No Change)
$17.47 billion ..... Other family and child support (No Change)


Social security ($40.3 billion: cut $458.53 billion)
$0 billion ......... Old-age and survivors insurance(OASI)
Cut $418.24 bil. from base of $418.251 bil.(-100%)
$40.3 billion ...... Disability insurance (DI)
Cut $40.28 bil. from base of $80.593 bil.(-50%)


Administration of justice ($38.75 billion)
$16.88 billion ..... Federal Law Enforcement (No Change)
$9.9 billion ....... Federal litigation and judicial activities (No Change)
$5.91 billion ...... Federal prison activities (No Change)
$6.06 billion ...... Criminal justice assistance (No Change)


General government administration ($19.48 billion)
$3.37 billion ...... Legislative functions (No Change)
$0.66 billion ...... Executive Office programs (No Change)
$11.29 billion ..... Collection of taxes & fiscal opertations (No Change)
$0.84 billion ...... General property and records management (No Change)
$2.33 billion ...... General purpose fiscal assistance (DC, Puerto Rico, etc.) (No Change)
$0.99 billion ...... Other general government (No Change)


Net interest ($162.75 billion)
$352.34 billion .... Interest paid on national public debt (No Change)
$-38.71 billion .... Civil Service retirement/disability surplus (No Change)
$-13.69 billion .... Military retirement surplus (No Change)
$-17.31 billion .... Medicare surplus (No Change)
$-88.69 billion .... Social Security trust fund surpluses (No Change)
$-31.19 billion .... Other interest surpluses (No Change)


Undistributed offsetting receipts ($-53.64 billion)
$-49.47 billion .... Employer share, employee retirement (off-budget) (No Change)
$-3.98 billion ..... Rents and royalties on the Outer Continental Shelf (No Change)
$-0.19 billion ..... Spectrum Auction (No Change)


Tax Expenditures and 2001 Tax Cut ($1108.16 billion: increased $120.84 billion)


2001 Tax Cut ($156 billion: increased $52 billion)
$39 billion ........ Benefits for Richest 1% of Taxpayers
Increased $13 bil. from base of $26 bil.( 50%)
$19.5 billion ...... Benefits for Next Richest 4%
Increased $6.5 bil. from base of $13 bil.( 50%)
$36 billion ........ Benefits for Next Richest 15%
Increased $12 bil. from base of $24 bil.( 50%)
$28.5 billion ...... Benefits for Next 20% of Taxpayers
Increased $9.5 bil. from base of $19 bil.( 50%)
$33 billion ........ Benefits for Bottom 60% of Taxpayers
Increased $11 bil. from base of $22 bil.( 50%)


2003 Tax Cut ($164.84 billion: increased $54.95 billion)
$53.46 billion ..... Benefits for Richest 1% of Taxpayers
Increased $17.82 bil. from base of $35.64 bil.( 50%)
$25.08 billion ..... Benefits for Next Richest 4%
Increased $8.36 bil. from base of $16.72 bil.( 50%)
$49.01 billion ..... Benefits for Next Richest 15%
Increased $16.34 bil. from base of $32.67 bil.( 50%)
$23.43 billion ..... Benefits for Next 20% of Taxpayers
Increased $7.81 bil. from base of $15.62 bil.( 50%)
$13.86 billion ..... Benefits for Bottom 60% of Taxpayers
Increased $4.62 bil. from base of $9.24 bil.( 50%)


Corporate Tax Breaks ($83.31 billion: increased $13.89 billion)
$16.97 billion ..... Accelerated Depreciation
Increased $2.83 bil. from base of $14.14 bil.( 20%)
$7.98 billion ...... Tax Free Bonds
Increased $1.33 bil. from base of $6.65 bil.( 20%)
$7.43 billion ...... Insurance Companies
Increased $1.24 bil. from base of $6.190 bil.( 20%)
$19.3 billion ...... Multinational Corporations Breaks
Increased $3.22 bil. from base of $16.08 bil.( 20%)
$9.3 billion ....... R&D Tax Breaks
Increased $1.55 bil. from base of $7.75 bil.( 20%)
$22.33 billion ..... Other Business & Investment
Increased $3.72 bil. from base of $18.61 bil.( 20%)


Personal Business & Investment Benefits ($136.61 billion)
$84.38 billion ..... Capital gains (except homes) (No Change)
$8.53 billion ...... Accelerated Depreciation (No Change)
$24.79 billion ..... Tax-Free Bonds (No Change)
$18.91 billion ..... Exemption of tax on insurance interest (No Change)


Pension & Retirement Deductions ($155.7 billion)
$69.66 billion ..... Tax-free on Employer-paid Pensions (No Change)
$23.13 billion ..... IRAs (No Change)
$62.91 billion ..... 401Ks & Keogh plans (No Change)


Employer-paid Health Insurance ($120.16 billion)
$120.16 billion .... Employer-paid Health Insurance (No Change)


Itemized Deductions ($195.55 billion)
$68.44 billion ..... Mortgage Interest (No Change)
$50.91 billion ..... State and local taxes (w/o home property) (No Change)
$22.16 billion ..... Property Taxes (homes) (No Change)
$40.47 billion ..... Charitable Contributions (No Change)
$10.03 billion ..... Medical Expenses (No Change)
$3.54 billion ...... Higher education deductions (No Change)


Other personal tax expenditures ($95.99 billion)
$26.64 billion ..... Untaxed Social Security benefits (No Change)
$20.86 billion ..... Capital gains on homes (No Change)
$3.43 billion ...... Miscellaneous fringe benefits (No Change)
$6.46 billion ...... Workmen's comp etc (No Change)
$5.64 billion ...... Soldiers and veterans (No Change)
$25.28 billion ..... Child credits (No Change)
$7.68 billion ...... Education Credits & Deductions (No Change)


Keep in mind that a negative deficit is a surplus. So my above example creates a 7.64 billion dollar surplus.