goal of this mod is to lessen the over-all amount of stored loot and to make barter a usefull neccessary skill
did a little testing but not much
changes are
minimum buy amount is 200% of pro file cost attibute for all items
maximum buy amount is 600% of pro file attribute for all items
each skill point lessens amount of buy cost by 1%,loot is still easy to come buy but takes much more of it to buy the normal things every one needs
uploaded to my site
did a little testing but not much
changes are
minimum buy amount is 200% of pro file cost attibute for all items
maximum buy amount is 600% of pro file attribute for all items
each skill point lessens amount of buy cost by 1%,loot is still easy to come buy but takes much more of it to buy the normal things every one needs
uploaded to my site