Here's an idea I've had for Bartering for a long time:
A 'Match' button. No more scrolling through your treasury. It takes the otehr guy's price, subtracts the amount of stuff you've already offered, and places the most money it can without going over.
For example: You want $300 worth of stuff from this guy. You have $250 worth on the table. If you have $50+, it just places $50 on the table for you by pressing the 'Match' button.If you have less than the amount you need, $48, for example, well, that's what the 'All' button is for. If you run out of cash you can still press the Match button. If it places something on the table you don't want to give up, you can 'Tag' it (R-click and scroll to tag)
There should be one on his side, too, that will place stuff according to your inventory and, as a convenience, your party's, too.
And if you guys think that's too lazy, at LEAST make it so we can increase the amounts in the individual slots (The hundreds spot, the thousands spot, etc. etc.)
Because I'm really, really tired of having to scroll through $11250 just to put $500 on the table and I don't think I should have to click it one. Dollar. At. A. Time. Without speeding up to $8000.
A 'Match' button. No more scrolling through your treasury. It takes the otehr guy's price, subtracts the amount of stuff you've already offered, and places the most money it can without going over.
For example: You want $300 worth of stuff from this guy. You have $250 worth on the table. If you have $50+, it just places $50 on the table for you by pressing the 'Match' button.If you have less than the amount you need, $48, for example, well, that's what the 'All' button is for. If you run out of cash you can still press the Match button. If it places something on the table you don't want to give up, you can 'Tag' it (R-click and scroll to tag)
There should be one on his side, too, that will place stuff according to your inventory and, as a convenience, your party's, too.
And if you guys think that's too lazy, at LEAST make it so we can increase the amounts in the individual slots (The hundreds spot, the thousands spot, etc. etc.)
Because I'm really, really tired of having to scroll through $11250 just to put $500 on the table and I don't think I should have to click it one. Dollar. At. A. Time. Without speeding up to $8000.