First time out of the vault

Hi. Firstly, I'll state that I am new to the game, and I'm really loving it. I've just got a small problem.
It's regarding Fallout 1 and barter. Here's the thing: When I barter something I don't seem to get the money when I sell something. For instance say I sell a knife and some flares, it displays down the bottom on my half the screen the ammount thats being offered. I accept, the deal is a success, and the items are removed. Except I don't seem to get the money (bottle caps right?). I don't think I've ever got money. I even tested with having no money in my inventory and selling half my equipment. After it was done still had no money. AM I missing something? Can anybody tell me whats going on. I have the official patch installed too. ANy help is appreciated
It's regarding Fallout 1 and barter. Here's the thing: When I barter something I don't seem to get the money when I sell something. For instance say I sell a knife and some flares, it displays down the bottom on my half the screen the ammount thats being offered. I accept, the deal is a success, and the items are removed. Except I don't seem to get the money (bottle caps right?). I don't think I've ever got money. I even tested with having no money in my inventory and selling half my equipment. After it was done still had no money. AM I missing something? Can anybody tell me whats going on. I have the official patch installed too. ANy help is appreciated