Battlefield Apocalypse Update


Night Watchman
Staff member
Cancerous1 turned our pestilential attention to the Battlefield Apocalypse TC, which had been steadily updated, despite our sparse coverage of the matter. <blockquote>
It's been several days since my last transmission. My team and I left Bartertown in search of a new vehicle that team bravo had recently spotted. They reported seeing it heading toward HellTown. We have a photo of this death machine. It looks something like a cross between a dump truck and a something you'd see in one of those horror movies my father used to tell me about when I was younger. We finally found it on the outskirts of town. Not too much is known about this beast, as we're still examining it. All we know is it didn't have any trouble getting around, killing whatever got in it's way. </blockquote>Their last update consisted of a vehicle model mentioned in that entry:

And for more clarity, we'll post some of their screenshots, too.

Link: the Battlefield Apocalypse TC
The only reason Silencer agreed to cover this game is because developers assured him it would contain a place called SweetpeaTown.
It looks something like a cross between a dump truck and a something you'd see in one of those horror movies my father used to tell me about when I was younger.

Oh man. I don't even know where to begin with that sentence. I hope the 'horror movie my father used to tell me about when i was younger'-truck is full of Sweatpeas.
Ratty said:
The only reason Silencer agreed to cover this game is because developers assured him it would contain a place called SweetpeaTown.

Nah, they agreed to name a one-handed mutant ratcatcher after me.

Also, ti's a mod, not a game.
Looks like Mad Max with a little extra. Wonder if they got the rights to use those picks for the mod. If it get completed I may have to check it out. Been waiting for a half decent Mad Max based game.