Bayer scandal.

Yeah pretty fudged up. Here is something I copied from Wiki., access date 31.05.2006:

"After 1978, there were four major companies in the United States engaged in the manufacture, production and sale of Factor VIII and IX: Armour Pharmaceutical Company, Bayer Corporation and its Cutter Biological division, Baxter Healthcare Corporation and its Hyland Pharmaceutical division and Alpha Therapeutic Corporation, which have been or are defendants in certain lawsuits.

The plaintiffs allege that the companies manufactured and sold blood factor products as beneficial "medicines" that were, in fact, contaminated with HIV and/or HCV and resulted in the mass infection and/or deaths of thousands of haemophiliacs worldwide.

It is believed that three of these companies, Alpha, Baxter and Cutter, recruited and paid donors from high risk populations, including prisoners, intravenous drug users, and blood centers with predominantly homosexual donors, to obtain blood plasma used for the production of Factor VIII and IX. Plaintiffs allege that these companies failed to exclude donors, as mandated by federal law, with a history of viral hepatitis. Such testing could have substantially reduced the likelihood of plasma containing HIV and/ or HCV entering plasma pools."
Luke said:
Aids anyone?
No thanks, not haemophiliac.

Seriously though, that's fucked up. Shame no one will ever pass poetic justice laws, those CEOs and bureaucrats need a lethal injection execution of HIV.
I can't believe the company that developed Zyklon B would do such a thing.
Yes, I know, but IG Farben was a conglomerate of practically every single chemistry company in Germany.
You can hardly put the blame for developing Zyklon B on Bayers' shoulders.
You also can just turn hydrocyanic acid into a gas form and you´ll get Zyklon B.

It´s really no problem.

But why does nobody blame the inventors of Napalm or the atomic bomb by the way?

@ Topic. I know Why I dont trust them. They invented LSD as far as I know and Heroin as a medicamentation against cough.
Please, think before posting.

Thank you.

- The NMA staff.
i think this is al an elaborate scheme by the US. first create an epidimic, then offer the sweet sweet ambrosia cure.

all sillyness aside, under US presure, the UN has now removed any mention of a condom from their anti-aids campaigns. this after already scratching their 'clean needle'-campaign.

what is left? "dont have sex, mkay? dont do drugs, mkay?" ?

yeah, that'll work...

go america!
SuAside said:
i think this is al an elaborate scheme by the US. first create an epidimic, then offer the sweet sweet ambrosia cure.

Is he infected?

Oh yes, most certainly. When I told him he could be put on the priority list for the Ambrosia vaccine he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
How the hell can you accidentally infect a drug with AIDS? How fucking stupid are these people?
i believe it was somekind of blood transfusion thing mixed with other chemical & medicine, but it contained human blood. instead of testing all the blood used & keep em seperate in small batches, they just mixed the entire thing in huge batches. 1 infected sample & *poof* you got a shitload of ruined product. what shall we do with it? well, dump it somewhere & claim we didnt know!
SuAside said:
i believe it was somekind of blood transfusion thing mixed with other chemical & medicine, but it contained human blood. instead of testing all the blood used & keep em seperate in small batches, they just mixed the entire thing in huge batches. 1 infected sample & *poof* you got a shitload of ruined product. what shall we do with it? well, dump it somewhere & claim we didnt know!

Just as the Americans always do.

Pretend it didn't happen and cover it up...

what shall we do with it? well, dump it somewhere & claim we didnt know!
So in stead of destroying that poison they sold it in Europe and Japan? Great! I'm speechless... the people who allowed this to happen really deserve a slow and extremely painful death. They killed children! Those monsters! :x Those corporate bitches really deserve a taste of their own poison! :x
What they did was completely in regulations, I mean, here was no specific rule saying they couldn't sell super HIV-tainted medication outside the US!

Making a profit by injecting people with something harmful just makes business sense, I mean, just ask any member of the Order, injecting guys with meat every night can turn quite the pretty penny.