Beetle model for FO2


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Take a look here

If anyone has a copy of Diablo 2 and can 'extract' the images of the large and small 'Sand Maggots' out I can try and convert them into a fallout 2 format critter. I dont have a copy of Diablo 2 anymore sorry as the CD got busted up :(

I think there were a couple of other bugs in Diablo 2 as well, I seem to remeber a misquito as well
I'll check when I get back home, I believe I saw my Diablo 2 cd laying around the moving pile somewhere.
For a moment there I thought this was about the Volkswagen :)

I've lost my Diablo2 CD's to a moocher a while ago, sorry. :(
I've been meaning to install Diablo 2 lately anyway. I'll help you out. Gimme 30 minutes.

Do you want me to post a link to a zip full of bmp's or what?

EDIT: Well, I tried, but the program I use was unable to extract what you needed. Sorry. :(
Volkswagon = Land Crab

I'm not sure on the program you need to extract the animations, you will need to google for an extractor, maybe "diablo 2 gif extractor" or "animation extrator".

The preference would be to get the files in an animated GIF format but BMP will be okay (not Jpeg as that stuffs the quality up)