Yup the good old Beneath A Steel Sky game is getting a sequel, Revolution Software just announced that they're making Beneath a steel sky 2. Here's some info:<blockquote>Revolution, best known for its highly respected and successful Broken Sword series, registered the url www.steel-sky2.com on March 4, 2004 (see here for details) and Revolution MD Charles Cecil today confirmed with us that pre-production on the title had indeed begun.
"Beneath a Steel Sky is a game that is still widely respected and we are regularly asked when we will write the sequel," Cecil told us. "Beneath A Steel Sky 2 is a project Revolution has been considering for a while, and has stated to move forward on, but we are unable to comment beyond this."</blockquote>Well I'm not getting my hopes up just yet, too many old games sequels have been scrubbed lately.
Spotted at BluesNews
"Beneath a Steel Sky is a game that is still widely respected and we are regularly asked when we will write the sequel," Cecil told us. "Beneath A Steel Sky 2 is a project Revolution has been considering for a while, and has stated to move forward on, but we are unable to comment beyond this."</blockquote>Well I'm not getting my hopes up just yet, too many old games sequels have been scrubbed lately.
Spotted at BluesNews