Beneath a steel sky


First time out of the vault
I am doing you a great favor now.

Yes, it is legal, Revolution Software released the game as freeware not too long ago. Lovely company.
Download it now, the talkie-version. Works for XP as well.

It is great voices, great music, great graphics and great story. The only minus may be that it is a lil' bit short... So don't use a walktrough, it is not worth it to waste away a game like that/this.

I post it here as it reminds me a little of fallout. Contains robots, people who are stuck where they are and don't know what will come next, oppressing authorities and buildings of steel. All in all it is a great game based on the SCUMM concept.
Heh, what a coincidence, just started it today. Looks interesting, although the voices are somewhat bland and uninspiring.
You could get it at the <a hef="">ScummVM</a> website as well, by the way.
Well, back in the old days (1995?), when DOS and Microsoft were friends I couldn't play the game with voices, now I can, that may be the reason I love the voices...
Yea, ScummVM is great. What would life be without Day of the tentacle and the old Monkey Island games? Nothing I tell ya'.
Finished it long ago. Great little game, not as good as old Lucasarts adventures but it made me nostalgic about the good ol' days.
Anyways, I'm thinking about getting Still Life after finishing the demo, thank God there are still people making good adventure games out there.
I have it on my old games machine. I played for a few minutes, fun game. I was impressed with the fact that it has voices for such an early game.
Finished it earlier today... Thought it was very short and left a huge amount of unexplored ground for the setting. That and I saw the end coming halfway through the game. All in all though, it's a neat little adventure. - Colt
Colt said:
Finished it earlier today... Thought it was very short and left a huge amount of unexplored ground for the setting. That and I saw the end coming halfway through the game. All in all though, it's a neat little adventure. - Colt

Yea, it was awfully short... But Revolution software has recently registred , wonder what kind of game it will be?