First time out of the vault

I've found that at least one other person has had this problem on this forum, but the error was never clarified. Simply put, Champion, Childkiller, and all the chem addictions are available reputations, yet Berserker isn't. The player kills over twenty-five people of good or neutral Karma, and none of bad, and has negative karma himself, yet the game will not bestow the Berserker trait upon him.
The other people I've found with this error were both running an un-patched Fallout 1.1. I am running a European version, patched so as to include children, as a means of the childkiller perk and the unnattainable berserker perk. I'm assuming that the problem is that it's version 1.1, as that has seemed the common factor in the game;s not bestowing berserker. So, if anyone knows of a patch to re-implement berserker into Fallout version 1.1, could you tell me? Or, while this may be impossible (I have little knowledge regarding software) if there was a way to backwards patch the game into Fallout Version 1.0?
The other people I've found with this error were both running an un-patched Fallout 1.1. I am running a European version, patched so as to include children, as a means of the childkiller perk and the unnattainable berserker perk. I'm assuming that the problem is that it's version 1.1, as that has seemed the common factor in the game;s not bestowing berserker. So, if anyone knows of a patch to re-implement berserker into Fallout version 1.1, could you tell me? Or, while this may be impossible (I have little knowledge regarding software) if there was a way to backwards patch the game into Fallout Version 1.0?