Best compression for multimedia?

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I'm pretty much an idiot when it comes to technical computer stuff, but it appears a lot you guys know what you're talking about!

I've been thinking of posting some of my animation on my site, but I only have 20M of space (darn free webpage :P) ...what's a good compression type thingy that would make say, and .avi or quicktime .mov small, but without sacrificing TOO much quality? Should I just go with .Zip, or is there another way?

Thanks! ^_^

ICQ# 42929444
>I'm pretty much an idiot when
>it comes to technical computer
>stuff, but it appears a
>lot you guys know what
>you're talking about!
>I've been thinking of posting some
>of my animation on my
>site, but I only have
>20M of space (darn free
>webpage :P) ...what's a good
>compression type thingy that would
>make say, and .avi or
>quicktime .mov small, but without
>sacrificing TOO much quality? Should
>I just go with .Zip,
>or is there another way?

Are you talking about animation or do you mean video? If you're doing animation, and you're drawing it, try using Macromedia Flash ( because it uses vectors and it produces very small, but detailed graphics.

If you're talking about video, you should use MPEG compression. You can also try using Bink Video ( which has good quality, but you'll need to have it in MOV or AVI format.

If you want ultimate compression with good quality, look into MPEG-4 compression, but be prepared to spend a great deal of time encoding the file if you have anything less than a top-of-the-line computer. It can compress DVD movies into a file that fits on a single normal CD (that's 4.7 gigs to 600 megs, if you're wondering), with little noticable loss of quality.


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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-00 AT 09:44PM (GMT)[p]Asf is a good movie format for storing cartoons and such. Using it on normal movies loses quality but it doesn't show as much in cartoons. The files are a lot smaller than mpeg or avi. Divx is also pretty good.

I forgot to mention that if your animations are only small ones, it perhaps would be possible to make a gif-animation. They are normally really small (max. couple of hundred kbytes) and there are programs for that to download for free, such as Paint Shop Pro.

"Blessed are those who break the rules."
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-00 AT 10:24PM (GMT)[p]>
>Asf is a good movie format
>for storing cartoons and such.
>Using it on normal movies
>loses quality but it doesn't
>show as much in cartoons.
>The files are a lot
>smaller than mpeg or avi.
>Divx is also pretty good.
>I forgot to mention that if
>your animations are only small
>ones, it perhaps would be
>possible to make a gif-animation.
>They are normally really small
>(max. couple of hundred kbytes)
>and there are programs for
>that to download for free,
>such as Paint Shop Pro.

If you are drawing it yourself, swf is the only way to go, honestly. Where can you put over two hundred frames of 550x400 animation, a 300kb sound file, a 32kb sound file, and layer over two other sounds files at 38.3 and 41.1 kb, and then get it to export to as little as 100kb? Plus there's also tweening, which is sweet as hell if you want to do fades and all that. I'll have a link to my main page and it's placeholder in a little while to show this off.

Available for a trial, but there's um...ways around it...

"Astalavista, baby! Ah'll be back!"
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-00 AT 11:58PM (GMT)[p]>"Astalavista, baby! Ah'll be back!"

Why don't you just give him the URL? You've almost got it :)

Pack ASTALAVISTA's BOXes with SKulls.

Some useful info. You can import an AVI into Flash and then 'trace bitmap' to make the whole thing a vectored graphic (I think). In which case Flash is really the best way to go.

[TABLE border=5" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15" bgcolor="#000000" bordercolor="#4B5359" bordercolorlight="#008DE6" bordercolordark="#002FA4][TR][TD]
[a href=//][IMG SRC=//" border=0][/a]​

[a href="mailto:" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]Webmaster: [a href=//" style="font-family:arial;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;font-size: 9pt;]The Mod Squad[/a]
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-00 AT 02:46PM (GMT)[p]hey, i gave that url by mail to dom devore, just on the safe side, a few days ago, and now you`re posting it here... why don`t give her that kind of tips by mail also? it`s dangerous stuff in the wrong hands, as you know...

"shichisho hokoku"
>If you want ultimate compression with
>good quality, look into MPEG-4
>compression, but be prepared to
>spend a great deal of
>time encoding the file if
>you have anything less than
>a top-of-the-line computer. It
>can compress DVD movies into
>a file that fits on
>a single normal CD (that's
>4.7 gigs to 600 megs,
>if you're wondering), with little
>noticable loss of quality.

DivX ;-) rules!

What is bad, is that you have to have a somewhat good computer to watch them, I have a P2 233Mhz and it plays fine on 0 (0 out of 4 levels) quality (if you're wondering how DivX ;-) movies look in 0 quality... well... AWESOME!), and if I put level 1 it plays slowly.

The cool thing is that its "creators" are developing a more powerfull version of it, which allows 20%-50% more compression than the actual version!

[p align=center]
Co-Leader and Chief Programmer on
[font size=1]GFX by Smackrazor
[font size=2][/p]

>He, senor Smackrazor, how do you
>go about doing that? What
>version of Flash do you
>need? I can only import
>.mov and standard image files.

He is mistaken, you cannot import AVI files.

I'd suggest going to and download their free utility, RAD Tools. Then take your AVI and convert it into a series of images. Then import those images into your movie.

Even better, if you export them as GIF files, you can then take a GIF animator and make an animated GIF out of them. Then import the animated GIF into Flash and it will import them as separate keyframes which will save you time in having to place each separate image where you want it for each frame you're animating.

You do know how trace bitmap right? There's a trace bitmap option in the Modify menu if I remember correctly.


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