Beware of the irradiated plant fly

teh fonx

First time out of the vault
This is a concept peace i did for my personal project called What if Meteors Prevail. A computer game take on the wonderful 40's and 50's cheesy sci-fi b rate horror movies, and although its not exactly fallout related, though i do believe that the project is very much fallout inspired. Ever since i played the game i fell in love with the 50's theme.



C&c always welcome.
I’m glad you guys like it, as far as the medium goes, sorry but no cigar, i sketched a base pictures (posted up below the colored for your convenience) with pencils on regular printer paper, and than colored in with photoshop, and added a peach skin texture at the end of the process.
Reminds me of a monster in my favorite childrens book. Nice work. :)
The sketch is pretty good. I can't see the first picture/image, though, the fabulous red-X-in-a-white-box replaces it :)

broken link?
strange, they both run of the same server, and the links seem to be intact, is anybody experiencing the same problem ?
At first I only got the coloured one, now for some reason I get both.
Did you apply the sketch (black/white) by editing?