Beyond Good & Evil 2


Is anyone else as excited for this as I am? This the only game my jaded ass has been genuinely excited for in 4 years.

Being a huge fan of the first game I'm really looking forward to this coming out. Hopefully it doesn't get delayed for 10 more years. Apparently, the planets are genuinely to scale, so that will be interesting to see how they tackle that one. I would assume it will be mostly procedural with devs going in here and there to add things and spice landscapes up. The atmosphere of the first was so good, so hopefully that isn't lost in the scale of the game.
I am not excited for this. Mainly because I never played the first one even though I owned the OG Xbox and should have gotten it. So it just looks like another game with pretty graphics.
I played it first when I was a kid, but didn't have the Xbox long enough to beat it. Bought it years back and it made a good impression on me. Very memorable, especially the music:

That piano tho...
I wish I still had my OG Xbox. One of my favorite systems.
I loved it too. The way it looked, the controller. I played Halo and Jet Set Radio as well. I got brainwashed by Halo. It was my first FPS, my first Sci-Fi game, first multiplayer, first M rated game. Overload to a kid.

Speaking of which, I need to get Jet Set Radio.