Biased Media

Paladin Solo

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
Every media has some form of biasism. I think that some do good, like Fox and the BBC. The one that really stands out is CBN, very unbiased, if you can stand them talking about God a lot. They report real problems and actually try and do some good instead of telling what the UN or the U.S. what to do and not do. Now the media never gave a damn about Iraq, or Afghanistan before the war. Never gave a second look, or first look for that matter, at Liberia, didn't care about North Korea. And now, one American dies in Iraq or Afghanistan, and it's all over the headlines. CBN actually cares about the poor starving children in Africa, they printed the innocents dying in Iraq and Afghanistan before the wars. They noticed the civil disorders in the world instead of saying what we are doing is right or wrong. I mean sure, during and after 9/11, the American media might feel a bit patriotic, hell, any nation would, and I will let some biasim in those situations go, as long as they don't print untruthful things. But for Pete's sake, don't tell us what our nation is doing is right or wrong, just print what happens, and let us decide. If you must sneak in a little patriotism during tough, tragic, times, or moments, then that is ok, but don't say we are right no matter what or the other way around. If you want real proof of biased media, look at The Times, or The Washington Post, you will get the point immediately. If I had to recommend someone other than CBN, I'd say go with Fox News if you can. Otherwise, the BBC is pretty good too. The Russians give you news, while giving you pleasure. I'll give a link on it later, I am too tired now. Good night folks.
Your point is what? That the media is biased?

Wow, no kidding. So what? They give facts, unless you start to base things on what is being said in the media, facts are good enough. Every single person is in some way biased, so it's only logical that news stations are as well.

And surprisingly, you're the first person I have ever heard saying something good about Fox.
Sander said:
And surprisingly, you're the first person I have ever heard saying something good about Fox.

You must not talk to very many Americans about Fox, then. It's so heavily watched by Americans that even a blowhard like O'Reilly can make a killing in ratings on that channel. Of course, since European mainstream is way to the Left of American mainstream, no one you talk to in Europe is going to like it.
Well, I hear there are some people from Europe and Australia that like it. CNN is too democratic and hardly print anything good about Bush. Remember that democratic debate if you saw it? Fox actually tries to live up to their slogan. Fair and Balanced. Sure, they may be patriotic, but at least they try and get the real story out. They not only get adults to watch, but they try and target the younger audience as well. CNN became famous for kissing asses to get their ratings up.
The media does have a bias. Its called sensationalism. Cream get the money, dollah dollah bill ya'll.
To argue that the media is unbiased is inherently flawed. The mere choice of what is important (what stories to tell) reflects a bias. How one tells the story also reflects choices of value and ethics.

That CBN may do stories that cater more to a christian audience reflects who they market too. CNN caters to a more moderate crowd, Fox to a more conservative.