Lived Through the Heat Death

J.E. Sawyer from Black Isle Studios started an interesting thread on the Interplay message boards, talking about the present and future of the company that is supposed to produce Fallout3 one day. Here is a quote:
<blockquote>However, Black Isle and Interplay are not abandoning PC RPGs. Despite all of our recent troubles, we are still moving forward with PC RPG development. Interplay recognizes that although the majority of its business must be console, they can still make good profits with PC RPGs. Yes, even hardcore PC RPGs. </blockquote>
There are still a few issues, like the departure of Fergus Urqhuart that remain unanswered, but it´s good to finally know what plans Interplay has for the future.
But what really got my attention was this part:
<blockquote>It is quite likely that the next project we announce will be Van Buren. </blockquote>
Hmm so since this is a code name what does that mean? Baldurs Gate3? Icewind Dale3? A new setting? Or Fallout3?...
<blockquote>However, Black Isle and Interplay are not abandoning PC RPGs. Despite all of our recent troubles, we are still moving forward with PC RPG development. Interplay recognizes that although the majority of its business must be console, they can still make good profits with PC RPGs. Yes, even hardcore PC RPGs. </blockquote>
There are still a few issues, like the departure of Fergus Urqhuart that remain unanswered, but it´s good to finally know what plans Interplay has for the future.
But what really got my attention was this part:
<blockquote>It is quite likely that the next project we announce will be Van Buren. </blockquote>
Hmm so since this is a code name what does that mean? Baldurs Gate3? Icewind Dale3? A new setting? Or Fallout3?...