BIS speaks


Lived Through the Heat Death
J.E. Sawyer from Black Isle Studios started an interesting thread on the Interplay message boards, talking about the present and future of the company that is supposed to produce Fallout3 one day. Here is a quote:

<blockquote>However, Black Isle and Interplay are not abandoning PC RPGs. Despite all of our recent troubles, we are still moving forward with PC RPG development. Interplay recognizes that although the majority of its business must be console, they can still make good profits with PC RPGs. Yes, even hardcore PC RPGs. </blockquote>

There are still a few issues, like the departure of Fergus Urqhuart that remain unanswered, but it´s good to finally know what plans Interplay has for the future.

But what really got my attention was this part:

<blockquote>It is quite likely that the next project we announce will be Van Buren. </blockquote>
Hmm so since this is a code name what does that mean? Baldurs Gate3? Icewind Dale3? A new setting? Or Fallout3?...
I don't think Van Buren is BG3. It's more likely IMO that that's what Jefferson is; it would explain the charade around the announcement of the game (apparently IPLY lost the license to publish BG games for the PC some time ago and they're trying to get it back. Gonna be fun when they don't get it.... :twisted: )
Yeah, it's starting to look like they scrapped Jefferson.. JE says the next title to be announced will be Van Buren, which means they're going to announce this before Jefferson..

read here:
The Jefferson team regrets that it cannot be at E3 this year to show you our project. This has been a long and very difficult road. Unfortunately, I do not have good news to bring you. The Jackson Project, aka Dark Alliance 2, is the only new BIS title you will see at E3.

However, Black Isle and Interplay are not abandoning PC RPGs. Despite all of our recent troubles, we are still moving forward with PC RPG development. Interplay recognizes that although the majority of its business must be console, they can still make good profits with PC RPGs.

This IS disturbing!!
Just a few words:
IPLYs poster seem to believe that Van Buren will be Fallout 3..
I saddened by the fact that it looks like BIS doesn’t show off their capabilities in the RPG genre, (That is Jefferson not coming in the near future) I would have liked to see what they can do today..
Well if it is Fallout 3 and interplay fuck it up then... I'M GOING TO FUCKING SHOOT MYSELF. I'm fucking sick of Interplay fucking up good games just to make a few bucks.
Raymondo2000 said:
I'm fucking sick of Interplay fucking up good games just to make a few bucks.

The funny thing that the suits at Interplay do not understand is that games that have visible effort and work done on them do much better than those with a gimmick or are just churned out quickly and haphazardly.

There's no substitute for good design, period.
What gets me is that Interplay loses lots of money in the console arena. They took it in the pants switching over heavily to consoles in 2001, and since then they've only had two decent selling console titles, BG: DA and Hunter, and neither one of those could be considered break out hits. Hunter sold 184k units, which isn't that great for PC sales, let alone console sales.
Well, you have to remember that they are filled with the failures from other markets. They take a look at sales on the consoles and figure that a title on consoles will instantly make them money.

What they fail to understand is that while there are a good number of mass-selling titles, there's also exponentially more flops and mediocre titles that visibly hadn't much effort put into them and thusly do not sell as well.
To Raymondo2000

Shooting yourself? :? Nah.
Better way is to die as a true Fallout fan: from radiation poisoning. :wink:

And now seriously:
I hope that Van Buren will be Fallout3. But knowing Interplay which is going down the shitter those days it could also be a completly new project. :evil:
If you think about it releasing or starting fallout 3 now would be the best time, it would be the only way that interplay could get out of this shit hole or even come close.

I’m crossing my fingers because if Fallout 3s anything like FO:BOS then dear god help us all.
If Interplay had any marketing brains at all, they would've announced Fallout 3 with Fallout: POS at the same time. That way they could satisfy us the real Fallout fans and we would probably be way too busy drooling (assuming it's good) to say something about its crappy cousin. But noooo, they have to wait until we drive the last nail into the coffin before they (potentially) offer us something good.

Honestly, it sound too good to be true for me.
even if they do announce an ambitious project like Torn and Jefferson, they'll most likely scrap it in a few months' time (like Torn and Jefferson) :(