[Black Steel] DOWNLOAD


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
"Step by step" mod creating method:
-Big mod will contain small mods joined together, add-ons to F2 game, new things on it.
-Every small mod (part) can be used in any other mod (include script.ssl for compatible)
-Parts can be used in other mod by many combinations, result is different big mod.
-When i produce new mod (component of any other mods) will quickly update download.

(content of that post replaced to project site)
I replaced all this junk into BSM project site (it has ben updated after many months of stagnation) There is easy download instead of jumping on forums.

Project will be updated, its not last version! People ambitious and patience can wait when big thing will be done and other download and play it now.
Put "data" folder where you install Fallout2. Remove file patch000.dat from Fallout2 directory because it override "data" and may cause problems. Am not sure about compatibile this mod with others.