[Black Steel] how make game more realistic?


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I think about engine Fallout2 game and think got lot unused possibilities:

they may be misc items or armour, you will be look olways the same but armour statistics may changed- so there will be 20-30 armours, some dirty you found in wardrobe or in inventory killed enemies, they may be complete or parts like shoes, shirts. Inventory system may be better but dont know is possible to extend.

will be much more things to eat, and eat you will got in hounting on animals like rats, so if you kill gecko- may take his skin and dry meat or something, stimpaks may be remove from game so you gain health only from eat. Eat is not only meat but also fruits that you can found in gardens or just in wilderness. Already i think about "Rat On Stick" every rat will got this in inventory so if you kill them will got some dirty food heh (that give you +5HP or something)

Made Items
made one items from two parts found, or possibility to upgrade weapons if you found parts to them. Dont known how make this. Anyway there can be lot items found everywhere: trashcan can be box where you may found strange items, paper scrathes, junks. Every boxes can be open and inside you found lot items without use. Well if its possible made system creation items- some usable from junks and trash- that will be great.
Clothes - Yes like there is a purple robe that is armor (bridgekeeper) and there is purple robe that has no armor. With modeling of new critter animations, you could change outfits, but it takes a lot of disk space since each appearance replicates the whole critter. In modern engines the critter is assembled from body part graphics, so you pick new torso, legs, etc. Game editor allows you to make new protos based on any parts you choose (NWN Aurora does this).

Food - You didn't mention sustenance, ie do you need to eat in order to survive. Seems they started to implement this feature in FO2 but didn't complete it. People have mixed reactions to this idea. It adds realism but you don't want to make it tedious, and it's not a SIM game.

Made Items - Check out the crafting of items in TeamX New Vision mod. Raven2 did some amazing coding there, it pops up custom screens where you make new items out of other items. The source code for that mod is here: http://www.teamx.ru/srcs/f2nv11src.rar

Weapon Upgrades - We have a method for this: have a clone of the weapon with attachment, and script controls which object is in inventory. If you "use" the misc item (attachment) then the weapon turns into its clone and the other destroyed. In theory anyways, we haven't tried it yet.
dude_obj, *that* code is not from NV mod. In NV item creation are dialog-based, we didn`t know about say-mode at that time.

That code is not on TeamX site. AFAIR, I sent it to you and jargo. If you want, you may put it onto NMA or sent to other modders. We don`t want to realease this, cause it just good idea, but not a mod :-)
I have a thing to say bout that idea of non-useable items. I dont know if U care 4 disk space, but if U do, note this: By adding large amounts of items without use, youll make a huge map (meant in KB) and itll take a lot o time to load it, and some people may not be able to dwnload the mod cause of the size.
'Tis a great idea, but the loading times can be quite outrageous :wink:


Tommy SWINE - Fallout: BGE mapper
Dont worry about that
Just one new critter can take 20Mb, one music file 5Mb, one full screen of new scenery take 300Kb and one new item just 5Kb, so made large amount of new items its not a problem.

I got over 100Mb web space on this mod/new game and maybe use this all (download will take some hours)
Ok, 100MBs quite a reasonable amount. Not that it would be any much 4 me, i would have it downloaded in less than half an hour. 8)

Keep up the good work, it seems great from the screenshots :ok:
What about durability?

Weapons/armors/items break/need repair after certain amounts of uses.

In fallout 1, we have the stealth boy which had charges or something i recall

Dunno if thats possible but wanna throw that in there
How about this for realism.
Guns do a Fuck-load of damge.

That way, just like in reality...
-Getting shot means something.
-People die in 2 or 3 shots
(and don't gimme that 50¢ Shit, I know reality)

All guns are fairly equal and are about style not power.
(obviously, somethings are extremes like RPGs, Flames,etc)

Also how about plane old clothes instead of all this armor shit!
I want a Trench Coat and frankly I don't care if it protects for shit 'cause I'm gonna look cool while I kill foes.

Oh and as far as food goes I like the Idea 8)

To make game more realistic i decided just remove Pip-Boy

-your standard appearance is basic clothes (not armour or suit)
-hit points regenerate only from food (found on wilderness- outdoorsman) and first aid/doctor (so these skills will be now most important)
-many light source (mostly you will be sorround by darkness, and that will make some extra atmosphere

Ofcourse game will be hard that way, but you will not find many enemies. When you encounter some, even simple dog will be extremly danger. RPG is something like life simulation, so put more realism is olways good thing.
Rev. Layle said:
So how would you rest/wait without the PipBoy?

There will be no wait or rest.
-i made new light sources like home lamp, because you will spend some time in darkness
-made new food items (already its corn), that can be found on wilderness, your HP source
-and change mainmenu intro where you can read "learn before leave shelter" and there is basics of survival and note "dont play hero to live longer"

So this make new game style, always be carefull put atention where you walk, what you do because too quick decisions may be dramatic. You must think more strategic because limit of food (HP regeneration) and ammo.
So healing rate only comes into play when travling on the map, correct?

Also if you have to wait for a particular time of day for certain events (or have to wait until night time/day time for certain things)... you will have to leave the area, walk around outside until the time is correct then enter the location again, unless you plan on having *nothing* in the mod dependent on time whatsoever.
You are right- people will be just walk around desert to heal, mostly because i want remove all random encounters (fights) to gain exp only from locations and quests.

Already i dont have food and water system to character limitation that would make not to trawell so easy. Only thing about it i got already its made...

different type of random encounters:
-50% chance to thirsty when walk on desert
-50% chance to hungry when walk on mountains

This sound funny but in practice you are attacked by yourself- by needs of the body. Got not idea how make it, its only concept.
lich have u previewed /played/heard of the wastelandmerc 2 mod?

They have a theme where one can get raw meat off critters like brahmin/rats/geckos and then having to cook it for actual healable hp.

Yes i play WM2, some ideas was good but i feel poor quality.

Now i trying made script placed on beds, so you can rest, sleep only when found comfortable place to this. I can made new script or use exist game script where is time event (like books)
Lich said:
Now i trying made script placed on beds, so you can rest, sleep only when found comfortable place to this. I can made new script or use exist game script where is time event (like books)

love the idea but you shouldn't be able te rest anymore when your not tired.
Pip-boy is usefull when find some holodisc and info about quests.
Only thing i dont like is "rest until healed". Probably i put pib-boy into game but make all maps option "rest=no" and in some locations place beds with time-event script.

Already i research method that you can get pip boy and v13 suit in game start without using F2 loader creator or replace Fallout2.exe file. So to play mod everything that must be done is replace patch000.dat to my patch file.
Already i known how made new items from found parts.
Its very simple, just activate hidden code in Obj_dude.ssl

In procedure map_enter_p_proc begin remove "/*" and "*/" then you will create healing powder and antidote

procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
variable Outdoor;
variable Doctor;
variable First_Aid;
variable tail;
variable flower;
variable root;
variable item;
variable count;
variable count1;
variable Junkit;
variable Junkit1;

if (not(is_loading_game)) then begin
if (obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(self_obj,PID_SCORPION_TAIL)) then begin
if (((First_Aid + Outdoor) >= 125) and (skill_success(self_obj,SKILL_SCIENCE,0))) then begin
if ((obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(self_obj,PID_XANDER_ROOT)) and 
(obj_is_carrying_obj_pid(self_obj,PID_BROC_FLOWER))) then begin
if (((Doctor + Outdoor) >= 125) and (skill_success(self_obj,SKILL_SCIENCE,0))) then begin
if (count > count1) then

Ofcourse its possible to change these items into another. So finall result may be that you dont have any weapons or armour on start game. You will be able to create it yourself, founding parts on some junkyard.
