Blizzard crosses the line


So I have loved WoW for years, and I was wondering what the NMA community thought of this disgrace
Make sure you watch all of these videos through
Basically Blizzard shut down an awesome private server that everyone loved for no reason, and were huge dicks about it.


Who the fuck does this guy think he is?
what do you guys think of this?
do you think this is as bad as the kind of stuff Bethesda does?
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Well, it's completely within Blizzard's right to shut it down. Even if the server wasn't up to make profits, it's still illegal.

It's easy to say "well, Blizzard should just put up legacy servers", but I can completely understand why they don't want to do that. First of all, it would mean much more work with maintenance and moderation. There would still be exploits, bugs and all that shit to take care of, and since the servers are official, people will demand Blizzard's constant attention. And the people working on these servers would have to adapt to the version of the game, which means that Blizzard would likely have to change things internally (hire new people dedicated to these tasks, or educte people on older systems). Secondly, if for example vanilla WoW was offered on a legacy server, you can bet there would be an outcry for TBC, then WoTLK, then Cataclysm and so on. It would be impossible to maintain legacy servers for every version of the game. And in the end, any variation of this would mean watering down the active players on the current version of the game, making it even less appealing for new and old players. No matter what, Blizzard wants to keep their game evolving and offer new content to the players.

That said, that guy's repsonse to the question came off really dick-ish. Customers don't always know what they want, but in this particular case there are obviously people who do want vanilla WoW (or specific expansions). But I can understand where he's coming from. WoW might be losing subscribers, but it's still huge and bring in a fuck-ton of money for Blizzard. In their eyes, adding new content and making the game appeal to as many people as possible is obviously a winning strategy. I'm sure they realize that if WoW didn't keep offering new content, they'd be left with a small group of very dedicated players that would keep playing year after year, while the majority of players would quit or take year-long breaks once they had gone through the content.

If that wasn't the case, and that in fact the majority of players want to play in vanilla WoW or whatever, then all these people should probably stop paying their subscriptions and send Blizzard a clear message. Vote with your pockets and all that.

PS: I myself used to play WoW during TBC and WoTLK, and always regreted not having played in vanilla. Best time I had in the game was just exploring all the old areas and questlines in the vanilla world that no-one bothered with anymore. An official vanilla WoW is the only thing that'd get me back as a player. So my feeling about this are highly objective. I just realize the reality of the situation. Which is also one of the many reasons I don't bother with MMO's anymore.

Oh, and I don't think Blizzard are nearly as bad as Bethesda. Blizzard still make quality games, and Diablo 3 is pretty telling that they do listen to their players. But I don't see them running money-grabbing schemes on other peoples hard work, or stealing IP's and... well, running money-grabbing schemes on those as well.
Oh, and I don't think Blizzard are nearly as bad as Bethesda. Blizzard still make quality games, and Diablo 3 is pretty telling that they do listen to their players. But I don't see them running money-grabbing schemes on other peoples hard work, or stealing IP's and... well, running money-grabbing schemes on those as well.
I agree and don't think they are as bad, just wondered if you guys did.

It's easy to say "well, Blizzard should just put up legacy servers", but I can completely understand why they don't want to do that. First of all, it would mean much more work with maintenance and moderation. There would still be exploits, bugs and all that shit to take care of, and since the servers are official, people will demand Blizzard's constant attention. And the people working on these servers would have to adapt to the version of the game, which means that Blizzard would likely have to change things internally (hire new people dedicated to these tasks, or educte people on older systems). Secondly, if for example vanilla WoW was offered on a legacy server, you can bet there would be an outcry for TBC, then WoTLK, then Cataclysm and so on. It would be impossible to maintain legacy servers for every version of the game. And in the end, any variation of this would mean watering down the active players on the current version of the game, making it even less appealing for new and old players. No matter what, Blizzard wants to keep their game evolving and offer new content to the players.
I see why they didn't want to now, thanks for explaining, but why did they have to be such gigantic throbbing cocks about it?
He could have just said "No, sorry, we won't be developing these servers "instead of the condescending"You think you want it, but you don't".
Offer new content to the players.
I see your point, but there hasn't been any in months.
I don't play WoW, but it seems to me that if almost a million people are willing to pay your business $10-$15 dollars a month for a service and you tell them to STFU we don't want your money, might be a bad decision both monetarily and on the good will front.
I don't play WoW, but it seems to me that if almost a million people are willing to pay your business $10-$15 dollars a month for a service and you tell them to STFU we don't want your money, might be a bad decision both monetarily and on the good will front.
Correction: almost 8 million, soon to around 11/12 when the next xpack launches
I wonder how many disgruntled fans will skip their movie because of this, not that I'm expecting it to be a masterpiece of cinema or anything.
I wonder how many disgruntled fans will skip their movie because of this, not that I'm expecting it to be a masterpiece of cinema or anything.
They're pissed, but I doubt they'll skip the movie because of it, most have been waiting 12yrs+ for a WOW movie
I wonder if he meant something else than what he seemed to mean, and just after some time realized that he should have mentioned that in more detail. If he really meant what he said, the guy is a big asshole for thinking he knows better.

The shutting down part is completely within their rights, as they probably want to control their brand with their iron grip. Sucks for the players, but what can you do... I used to play on private servers when the game just came out (didn't have the cash for the game and bought it later from my first paycheck)... I mean the first RAW private servers, where it was just random chaos, empty vistas, bugs, exploits etc. it was such a blast to try and manouver this unpredictable world, which kept on changing with every update in radical ways, as the scripters had to improvise. I had much more fun playing that, than the official game (which already had an expansion, or two when i bought it) and i think they could of got some interesting ideas from these private servers if they paid any attention to them.
I wonder if he meant something else than what he seemed to mean, and just after some time realized that he should have mentioned that in more detail. If he really meant what he said, the guy is a big asshole for thinking he knows better.
I don't think its possible to word it in a more condescending way though.
I think the dude was just a massive prick.
The shutting down part is completely within their rights, as they probably want to control their brand with their iron grip.
I know, but they are just alienating a large part of the player base by doing so, and then telling them to fuck off (back to current xpac) and eat shit (the current content).

. I used to play on private servers when the game just came out (didn't have the cash for the game and bought it later from my first paycheck)... I mean the first RAW private servers, where it was just random chaos, empty vistas, bugs, exploits etc. it was such a blast to try and manouver this unpredictable world, which kept on changing with every update in radical ways, as the scripters had to improvise. I had much more fun playing that, than the official game (which already had an expansion, or two when i bought it) and i think they could of got some interesting ideas from these private servers if they paid any attention to them.
I agree, they could at least take a leaf outta their book, take some of the ideas and implement them, with the ideas coming from passionate wow lovers afterall.

Jontron said it: A journey back to the early days of our beloved game, really seem like a bunch of profiteers don't they!"
TBH a vanilla server is the only thing that would have kept me from giving up on wow. Besides wow Diablo 2 LOD and some single player SC2 i don't care much for them and if i get my thumb out of my ass some day and sell off my wow/sc2 account i guess i won't ever touch a blizzard game ever again.

At least i don't despise them as much as i do with rockstar/capcom but i don't have much good to say about them in the passt years :P
Rockstar did the same thing with FiveM, the GTAV multiplayer mod.
Which actually had a effective anticheat system.

Not only that, they banned the SocialClub profiles of the developers, essentially deleting all their legally purchased Rockstar games, also banned everyone who was afiliated with the project, even the Reddit webmaster.

Because it tainted the "Multiplayer experience, promoted cheating and software piratery"

That's some dick move, i can feel the frustration of the players.