Bloggers last comments.

What is most shocking is the senseless violence of the murderer. He is insane! And all that just to pay a fucken debt! I can't understand that...
Why would you kill someone when they owe you a debt? There's no way they'll be able to pay you back when they're dead. I'd be willing to wait 6 months for them to pay me back, before I took action. Money is money.
Specialist said:
Why would you kill someone when they owe you a debt? There's no way they'll be able to pay you back when they're dead. I'd be willing to wait 6 months for them to pay me back, before I took action. Money is money.

You kill a debtor in order to intimidate your other debtors into paying up. Its a typical mobster tactic, and I doubt this guy is a mobster.

If he really wanted his money back he should've done something like break his headlights, or something.
Specialist said:
Why would you kill someone when they owe you a debt? There's no way they'll be able to pay you back when they're dead. I'd be willing to wait 6 months for them to pay me back, before I took action. Money is money.

No no.

The killer was in dept for somebody, and when he did not find nothing to rob from his former girlfriend, he killed her and hes brother.
Knight News newsperson said:
They bled to death after being stabbed multiple times. And Monday, they found out who did the crime.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll have great use for this knowledge in the Afterlife.

Avenge me-e-e-e-e, I implore you-u-u-u-u!!
It's about the subjects in the sentences. The first sentence's subject is "they", and we learn that they died. If they died they could do little else than haunt us as ghosts.

The second sentence has a subject of "they" - presumably another instance of "they"(the police?) than the first one. (the victims)

But from the first glance it looks like someone died first and then learned who killed him, making it look like some kind of a ghost detective story.

Clear? ;)