Bloody mess


First time out of the vault
Just a quick question... is it possible to make a mod that enables the bloody mess trait without actually choosing the trait at the character selection window? alternately, is it possible to allow more than 2 traits to be chosen?
not sure, i know ti is possible to have a mod to give you a perk automatically (for example, the FO2 Very Difficult mod gives the Awareness perk from the ver start, don't know if it possible with traits)
I'm pretty sure you can't have more than two traits, so I think you'd have to hack the engine for this. Maximum Blood doesn't increase the number of bloody deaths, just allows all of them.
'k, in that case, turn the meter up, then take Better Criticals and boost your weapon skills to some 120-150%. That ought to do it.

Also, I'm positive one can't select more than two traits in Falche, although mind the Fallout 2 Pariah encounter and the resultant Trait gain.
I found this in the Pariahh Dog`s script:
critter_add_trait(dude_obj, TRAIT_PERK, PERK_jinxed_perk, 1)

I believe that if Jinxed is replaced with bloody mess (i don`t remember the define for it) and if this string is in Arroyo Temple`s map_enter procedure, we`ll get some interesting effect. Need testing though.
I have a few questions then:
1. Does the Dog`s script gives you Jinxed effect?
2. If the answer to the first question is positive, why souldn`t it work?
3. Why don`t you just test it ;) ?

Besides, traits are a subclass of one PERK class (PERK_PERK and TRAIT_PERK) to the engine. So don`t be confused about spelling of the script procedure.
I'm not sure what you're getting at, this was about invoking the effects of Bloody Mess, not Jinxed. There is no perk version of BM.
From Commands.doc

critter_add_trait  who (ObjectPtr)  trait_type (int)  trait (int) amount (int)

Adds a particular trait (trait) of a given type (trait_type) to a particular critter (who). Possible traits under the SPECIAL system are limited to: Perks, Traits

critter_rm_trait   who (ObjectPtr)  trait_type (int)  trait (int) amount (int)

Removes a particular trait (trait) of a given type (trait_type) from a particular critter (who).

has_trait  trait_type (int)   who (ObjectPtr)     trait (int)

Returns the value of a given critter object’s (who) trait of a given Trait_type (see define.h). This can be used to determine if the player has a particular Perk, AI Packet, team num, current rotation, or Trait (finesse, bruiser, etc.).

so to add trait bloody mess:

critter_add_trait(dude_obj, TRAIT_TRAIT, TRAIT_bloody_mess, 1)

From Define.h

#define TRAIT_fast_metabolism  (0)
#define TRAIT_bruiser          (1)
#define TRAIT_small_frame      (2)
#define TRAIT_one_hander       (3)
#define TRAIT_finesse          (4)
#define TRAIT_kamikaze         (5)
#define TRAIT_heavy_handed     (6)
#define TRAIT_fast_shot        (7)
#define TRAIT_bloody_mess      (8 )
#define TRAIT_jinxed           (9)
#define TRAIT_good_natured    (10)
#define TRAIT_drug_addict     (11)
#define TRAIT_drug_resistant  (12)
#define TRAIT_sex_appeal      (13)
#define TRAIT_skilled         (14)
#define TRAIT_gifted          (15)

But also you can add some Perk

critter_add_trait(dude_obj, TRAIT_PERK,  PERK_stonewall_perk, 1)

Look into Define.h what perk or trait you can chose.
looks promising... yeah... i just wanted to have the violence of Bloody mess without actually choosing the trait, ty for your replies