First time out of the vault

It says my explosives isn't high enough. I took a few Mentats..Still the same. Do I have to do anything after taking the mentats?
Whoops. Sorry I have the Xbox 360 version.Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:I know you need 25 explosive skill to defuse it, so you may need that much to set the detonator.
Make a new save, type advlevel in the console and pump a few points into your explosive skill.
If it lets you set up the bomb; reload the save and get your explosives skill up legitly.
But you can't pull up a console in the 360 version for cheating..right? Right? lolTheWesDude said:you can plug a usb keyboard into your 360
Yea, you can use it for quick saving, menus, pipboy and the like. But it doesn't do much in the way of pulling up the console for typing.TheWesDude said:there are people who use keyboards while they use their 360, i have seen posts about people doing this on their 360