Would be a nice idea to fix the way books boost skills. Right now, your stats have no effect so you can be an idiot that can only say "Oog" but you can still read and learn form the "Big Book of Science". This is absurd.
Make it so the base skill points depend on, say, Int and Per; you can have a 0.5% skill increase per point of each, with a minimum of 1% increase and then modify it according to the skill level, Comprehension perk etc.
Also, you could have different "levels" of books. For example, a school physics textbook could boost the science skill up to say 50%, and could be used by anyone (assuming anyone with Int below 3 can actually read). A high-school organic chemistry textbook would require a minimum science skill (say 30%) and stats (say Int 5 and Per 5) to read and would work until the science skill to 151%. The "How to debug a hex dump" or "Interpreting error messages in Windows BSODs" would require an Int of 9, Per of 10 and Science skill of 150%... It would be effective up to 250%, though
Flame away!
Make it so the base skill points depend on, say, Int and Per; you can have a 0.5% skill increase per point of each, with a minimum of 1% increase and then modify it according to the skill level, Comprehension perk etc.
Also, you could have different "levels" of books. For example, a school physics textbook could boost the science skill up to say 50%, and could be used by anyone (assuming anyone with Int below 3 can actually read). A high-school organic chemistry textbook would require a minimum science skill (say 30%) and stats (say Int 5 and Per 5) to read and would work until the science skill to 151%. The "How to debug a hex dump" or "Interpreting error messages in Windows BSODs" would require an Int of 9, Per of 10 and Science skill of 150%... It would be effective up to 250%, though

Flame away!