BOS Power Armor


First time out of the vault
Is it weird to anyone else that the Brotherhood of Steels power armor is all grey? When in fallout 1 and 2 it has green.
I'm no expert on the lore of power armor but the T-45 series or whatever that they use in Fallout 3 is not the same as the one in Fallout 1 and 2.

Its just weird to me
Yeah its not a bad thing it looks good just a bit odd to me
I mean, there could be a very simple reason. In 3D fallout the power armor is known as grey, so when they designed NV it was decided that it was also going to be grey. The other version exists as a reference to the previous version. Same with uh.. Combat Armor MK II? I think there's only one of those in the entire game. A unique armor when back in Fallout 2 plenty of NCR rangers had that armor on them. So I think they just went with grey cause that's what BOS is now known for having. Regardless of the series of armor. And the correctly coloured version is just a callback.
It could also do with the fact that the original scheme of the BOS armor with the green and red wouldn't come across correctly in 3D so Obsidian went with making it look more like the sprite of the original fallouts, either way there is no downside to this really as it still looks good