Not really. The bottlecaps are only used as a central currency because the Hub merchants endorse them, making them easily interchangeable for goods anywhere. After some 80 years of embedding the use of these bottlecapsas currency (since little else would have been available), it could easily be accepted as currency.GhostWhoTalks said:The semantics of the situation seems to have shrouded my intent here. Irony, especially of the grimly flavored variety, appeals to me greatly: probably having something to do with me being a cynic. So when I say "humour" I mean I appreciate the absurb and "tragic" reality of the fallout universe. The occasional pop-culture reference and funny quips was no small part of the enjoyment of the game for me though. Its patently absurd to think that people living in a true wasteland would give a crap about soda or bottlecaps or anything of the sort.
See, it's not about the value of the material, but about what it can get you.
Half-starved crazies wouldn't exactly last long in the harsh wasteland, and half-starved crazies aren't prone to attacking a lot of people random. Societies that consist of half-starved people would attack people, but hey, those are called Raiders.GhostWhoTalks said:It's for these reasons that we have to throw out the idea of fallout or its ilk being anywhere close to true simulations of wasteland living: heroic or otherwise. Half-starved crazies aren't tackling you for your food at every opportunity. Half-mutated irradiated lunies aren't rading villages for breeding stock.
I also seem to recall Super-mutants rading for breeding stock, since that was, hey *the main story of the game*.
A society of ghouls (which are half-irradiated mutants) did exist, but lacking the capability to procreate and being unaffected by age, they wouldn't have much use for a bunch of kidnapped women.
The occasional reference is a vast difference from Fallout 2's ubiquitous and silly references.GhostWhoTalks said:Fallout is far from gritty. The tone is dark, but the reality of the situation is flatly passed over. When you get shot your character doesn't scream "Oh shit that hurts." Or "Oh God! Why is my blood all over the ground?!"
In fact the way I see it its the humour that keeps players from becoming bogged down what would be the reality of life in the fallout world. The occasional reference to a television show, game, or what-not would get a chuckle out of me before I went back to trying to "Save the World."
That said, distracting the player from the world they are supposed to be immersing themselves in is a stupid thing to do and it was never the point of Fallout. The fact that it is unrealistic in your eyes comes from the 50s Sci-Fi, the stuff it was based on. If you were to put Fallout in the context of 50s pulp, it would seem a lot more realistic.
Now this is rather ridiculous for a number of reasons.GhostWhoTalks said:To better illustrate what I'm saying:
All games essentially boil down to two premises: Save the world OR Try to take over the world (the "world" in either case varies in size). Fallout is a classical variety "save the world" game, and "saving the world" has its own form of appeal. What makes a game good, better, or great is what it does to supplement its appeal beyond simply "saving the world." And Fallout does this, at least for me, through subtle cultural homages and the occasional bit of humour.
A game should never rely on something as silly as pop-culture references to make it great, because one cannot achieve greatness through that. INstead, a game achieves greatness through its main design. In Fallout's case this was never the story (which is what your straw man argument is about), but the gameplay and the world itself. The game allowed for more choices and more importantly consequences than any other game before it, it had decent combat, good dialogue and a well-crafted world with great characters. These are only some of the things that made it a great game, the easter-eggs didn't in any way make it a great game. If they did for you, I really have to wonder why you were playing Fallout and not some games with more pop-culture references and less gameplay.