The website for the Polish edition of Fallout 3 has this:
Which translates to
Do they know something we don't or do they apply their experience with the original Fallout to this? We don't know. Might be a red herring.[/quote]
Cenega said:Gracz będzie musiał zdobywać narzędzia do swego przetrwania – broń, wodę, lekarstwa i kapsle, będące walutą w świecie Fallout.
Which translates to
Cenega said:The player will have to capture tools for his or her survival - weapons, water, medicines and bottle caps, which are the currency of Fallout's world,
Do they know something we don't or do they apply their experience with the original Fallout to this? We don't know. Might be a red herring.[/quote]