Bourgeoisie updated


Carbon Dated and Proud
The promising RPG title called Bourgeoisie have updated their site, here's what Intoxicate said:<blockquote>We updated the site a bit - we did a gallery section, in which I'll be placing concept art, artwork, renders, wallpapers, and so on. I won't be informing you about minor updates in the news anymore; if there's something I'll need to have in the site, I'll put it in the gallery.

I also placed a music player, with which you'll be able to listen to a snip of in-game ambient music.

I'll be uploading some renders shortly, for now check out some of Krezel's work.</blockquote>Snazzy, thanks goes out to Wooz69 for informing me..
Link: Bourgeoisie
Those concept arts are Krężel's doing, he's the one to blame :P :wink:
But really Krężel ROCKS!!! I've never ever seen anybody who can draw like that.
As to buying the game: unfortunetly it will be a LONG time before it comes out in English. I'm gonna need some help if I'm supposed to translate it.
If the game will be a sucess (and if we will be selling it) i think intoxitace will hire some translators. Dont worry master i will help u, cus i know some en...eng...engliush...english :D
Well if the rest of the graphics looks as good as the first 4 ish screenshots on the main page then I'll say that's top quality commercial stuff right there, don't get much better, crisp and sweet and, well, crisp and sweet...
As long as the gameplay works well too of course I think you got a winner.
I'll buy two copies juding by those pics.
Keep up the good work! :)