Brahmin Begins


Night Watchman
Staff member
Steen and someone else sent us this:<blockquote>Dairy workers were left stunned after a rare new breed of cow was born - Blinky the two-headed calf.

"We call her Blinky because all four eyes blink at the same time," said Greg Hamstra, owner of Hamstra Dairy in Tulare, California. (...)

Blinky was born on Tuesday morning and was promptly discovered by one of the workers. The Holstein heifer has one neck and two ears, but she also has four eyes, two noses and two mouths. Hamstra said the calf suckles on two bottles at the same time.

"It's a rare, freaky thing," Dr Pete Kistler, a Tulare veterinarian who examined Blinky, told the paper. He says he does not know whether the deformity is genetic or developmental. Dr Kistler says he suspects that Blinky also has a deformity in her brain because she cannot stand up.</blockquote>It seems the brahmin is permanently tipped.
aint that Bes ?!!!
well...i had heard about cows with 6 legs ,Giant Rats and 2 headed Pigs.They appeared right after the Tschernobyl incident.
As much as a rarity it is, I've seen this before when I was about four. There was a village of about 120 people I used to live in, and down the road, one of a cattle rancher's heifer's had one of these.
It died after 30 minutes of life though.
Kind of a freaky sight to behold in person.
Looks like a bad case of photoshop mirror effect. Did this happen in Jersey by any chance?
Von Drunky said:
Looks like a bad case of photoshop mirror effect. Did this happen in Jersey by any chance?

The eyes don't line up and the black splotch is bigger on one, and the eyes aren't in the same position, they are rotated to look at one point in space. Damn I love my image magnification plug-in.
Have you guys heard of the woman who had 4 legs and 2 vaginas? apparently she had half a twin sticking out of the bottom of her. She got married and guess which vagina the husband had sex with? the twin's!!! lol
Would this be her

Josephene Myrtle Corbin, the Four-Legged Woman, was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee in 1868. Rather than having a parasitic twin, Myrtle's extra legs resulted from an even rarer form of conjoined twinning known as dipygus, which gave her two complete bodies from the waist down. She had two small pelves side-by-side, and each of her smaller inner legs was paired with one of her outer legs. She could move the smaller legs but was unable to use them for walking. At the age of 19, she married a doctor named Clinton Bicknell and had four daughters and a son. It has been said that three of her children were born from one set of organs, two from the other. Myrtle died on May 6, 1928.
Pipboy2000 wrote:
How many udders does it have?

You sick sick pervert, she's only a couple days old!
I wonder who the real sick pervert is. The one that simply inquire how many udders does it have, or the other one automatically insinuating that the question is sexual. :lol:

Anyhoo, most animals with this kind of deformities do not live long, I don't expect Blinky to reach her first birthday.

It seems the brahmin is permanently tipped.
Ah, sadly true... :(
citixensinister said:
I wonder who the real sick pervert is. The one that simply inquire how many udders does it have, or the other one automatically insinuating that the question is sexual. :lol:

I also said nothing about her being an animal :P
citixensinister said:
Human have udders? :lol: :lol:
Well yes, human females do have milk-secreting protrusions. 'Course, there's two, and there's only one nipple each, but otherwise they're quite similar really.