Brahmin Milk Will Make You Big !


First time out of the vault
I need your opinion regarding a simple question :

Brahmin milk: is it good for infants, or not ?

The Vault says it is good overall and adds that it is rumored to possess anti-radioactive qualities. But for babies ?

(I run a PnP campaign, and my characters just got the responsability of taking care of a baby... They're around Denver wihtout any lactating lady around ^^)
I don't think you're even supposed to give cow milk to children under 3 years, their stomachs lack the enzymes to digest it. I assume it would be the same for brahmin milk
Well, encyclopedic sources say it's unhealthy to give cow milk to infants, but it's still a valid nutrition source. Milk proteins will prove hard to digest and the infant will suffer from a lack of elements to varying degree, but she/he will grow and remain alive. In any case, from 1 year onward, cow milk becomes acceptable, if not ideal.

But I digress. In any case, it's a matter of life and death, since my players are stuck with the baby within a particularly hostile environment. What I need to decide is: will they have to rush toward "civilization" to find a mother who recently gave birth, or can they just use brahmins (provided they find any) ?
Children should not be given anything other than breast milk until they are 3. Then you switch them over to normal cow milk