Brain Bot Very Picky about Weapons??


First time out of the vault
Hey, my Brain Bot (with the Cybernetic Brain, of course!) doesn't want to use most weapons I give it, even though its Skill or Specialty is Small Guns. So far, it will only take the Gauss Rifle and that H&K 11 thing (or whatever it's called, exactly), and maybe the shotguns, too, I dunno, but I'm trying to get it to use weapons that won't do burst, since all NPCs are ***I*D*I*O*T*S*** and waste all their ammo on burst, even on "Almost Dead" enemies.

So I try to get the Brain Bot to use the Needler Pistol, the Sniper Rifle, even some single-shot-only energy weapons (gamebanshee claims the Cybernetic Brained Bot can use 'em) but all to no avail. What the heck???
Is the sniper rifle all he has in his inventory - as having anything he deems better overrides that.
I don't believe the robot has the animations for big guns (energy weapons) or pistols so that would explain why he won't use them.
Ask SkyNet about what weapons can it use, it will say "Rifles and LARGE handguns". So only those with the SMG animation frames - 10mm SMG, H&K guns. if you want non-burst, the Blade Runner gun is the option.
It's the .233 pistol. Modeled after Deckard's blaster from Blade Runner.
Thanks for the ideas, folks.

Yeah, that .233 handgun should do it...lotsa that ammo around for some reason; everyone stocks like x400 rounds at a time!!

But under no circumstances does my Brain Bot use the sniper rifle, though...but I noticed this weird thing: I ordered Marcus to use the spiked knuckles in his inventory ("use best weapon" -- and it was the only one he had) and he wouldn't equip it at all...however, after I found some more flamethrower fuel and gave that to him, he decides to equip the spiked knuckles after all!
Use gauss rifle for Brain bot, he will be terribly good with it. You have 200 EC rounds in Toxic caves if you need ammo fast, but random encounter caves full of riders will be your main source of supply.
machauf said:
Thanks for the ideas, folks.

Yeah, that .233 handgun should do it...lotsa that ammo around for some reason; everyone stocks like x400 rounds at a time!!

But under no circumstances does my Brain Bot use the sniper rifle, though...but I noticed this weird thing: I ordered Marcus to use the spiked knuckles in his inventory ("use best weapon" -- and it was the only one he had) and he wouldn't equip it at all...however, after I found some more flamethrower fuel and gave that to him, he decides to equip the spiked knuckles after all!

Sometimes with weird weapons like knuckle dusters or grenades you will have to set the weapon prefference to "none" in the combat settings. The other restriction is what animation frames somebody has. This can make certain NPCs a pain to equip, especially Sulick, which is why I never bother with him.
Sulik is best melee fighter you can have. Wazakyashi or Super Sledge, and you will never have to wory about anything comes close and personal with you.
If you try to equip him with ranged- well, good luck to you 8)