Brains for Skynet


First time out of the vault
When I first encountered the Sierra Army Depot in Fallout 2, I played through it solo, leaving my party members behind. I recently stopped by again, to scrounge for items I left behind, and realized I never played around with extracting and putting my party members' brains into the Skynet robot. I couldn't find any discussion of this on the forum, so I'm wondering if using their brains, instead of the ones you can retrieve with the computer, has any unique or interesting effects on the Skynet bot. I've long since overwritten my save file from my original visit or else I'd try it out myself.
Any brain you extract from a party member will be a Human Brain, identical to the 2nd best brain you can get from the repository. I believe that if you put a Human Brain in Skynet, you can't quite take advantage of its Science skill (which is *ullshit since you need supreme Science to get the best brain anyway) and I believe it doesn't level up either.

Incidentally, if you put a Cybernetic Brain in Skynet and then extract it, you'll get a Human Brain in return (as Per mentions in his guide)

Also, n.b.:
Per's Guide said:
You cannot use the extractor on Laddie, K-9, Robodog, or the Brain Bot unless it has the best brain. Isn't it a little weird that you get a human brain out after you put in a cybernetic one?

Considering that even Dogmeat give you a human brain, a talking deathclaw sure will not let you down, huh?
Well they are all human brains...ALL of them! Sometimes I really doubt that the extractor-room is in fact some strange kind of vending machine.....yeah, you "push" a teammate through a slot and you find yourself with a brand new human brain....isn't that cute?
And the Pariah Dog gives you TWO brains since the first vivisection isn't enough to kill him. Theoretically you could heal him up and keep leeching brains.

As an aside, Skynet doesn't do the Science thing ever, even with the best brain.
Per said:
And the Pariah Dog gives you TWO brains since the first vivisection isn't enough to kill him. Theoretically you could heal him up and keep leeching brains.

Guide note stuff!

Per said:
As an aside, Skynet doesn't do the Science thing ever, even with the best brain.

Yeah, but isn't that because your own Science pwns him when you get the best brain? NPC's wont act if your skill is greater... Have you checked it with an editor?
Thats too bad none of their characteristics are kept. "Skynet, can you consult the spirits for me?" would have been funny.
Silencer said:
Yeah, but isn't that because your own Science pwns him when you get the best brain? NPC's wont act if your skill is greater... Have you checked it with an editor?

Of course I have. :) There are actually very few places to do this - the V15 generator is the only one I can think of offhand. At all other times you are in dialogue or "dialogue" when making Science rolls.