Broken NIF model in blender


First time out of the vault
Hi there!

ive got problem with NIF addon for blender

I just wanna import striker shotgun model but mesh are ruined, i dont know why?

console log

Read new prefs: C:\Users\Strix\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.77\config\userpref.blend
found bundled python: E:\blender-2.77a-windows64\blender-2.77a-windows64\2.77\python
Python Remote Debugging Server not found
pyffi.toaster:INFO:--- fix_scale ---
pyffi.toaster:INFO: scaling by factor 1.000000
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSFadeNode [SniperRifle] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSXFlags [BSX] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiStringExtraData [Prn] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiStringExtraData [UPB] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ bhkCollisionObject [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ bhkRigidBody [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ bhkConvexVerticesShape [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStrips [SniperRifle:0] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiMaterialProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderPPLightingProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderTextureSet [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiStencilProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStripsData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [ProjectileNode] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [ShellCasingNode] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [##SRClip] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformController [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformInterpolator [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStrips [##SRClip:0] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderPPLightingProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderTextureSet [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiStencilProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStripsData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [##SRLever] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformController [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformInterpolator [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStrips [##SRLever:0] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderPPLightingProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderTextureSet [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStripsData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [##SRTrigger] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformController [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformInterpolator [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTransformData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStrips [##SRTrigger:0] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderPPLightingProperty [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ BSShaderTextureSet [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiTriStripsData [] ~~~
pyffi.toaster:INFO: ~~~ NiNode [##SightingNode] ~~~

I never had that problem before my windows 10 crashed after lasted april update
Ive send my laptop to service man, who reinstall windows 10 because recovery failed.
Select the face that appears to be missing, or select the three edge lines (or the vertex) that surround that face. If there is a face there to select then flip its normal; do this for all of the seemingly missing faces.

You might try putting the viewport position inside the model, and look outward; see if the missing faces are actually just facing inward. If so, you can select them all, and press ctrl+n.
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