Bulletin Boards 101: how do you make one?


Half-way Through My Half-life
So my fraternity is having issues with keeping people who are far flung across the country in contact with one another. Then there was a debate about a car that occured via email. The debate was good, but people got snooty because the email often went to their work accounts and that wasn't cool.

At that point I figured that maybe a solution to our communication problems might be putting together a bulletin board for the group. It would allow people to post when they get married, have kids, or want to talk about stuff, without having to resort to email. Kinda like what we do here, but for a different purpose.

Problem is that I know nothing about how to do this, how much it costs or anything. So I was hoping NMA would be kind enough to give me some advise on bulletin boards. We're having a meeting this weekend, and I'd like to be able to present a good argument for this kind of thing, assuming it is a good idea.

I'm pretty sure we could get it hosted from the university servers, but what kind of time commitment is needed from site administrators to get it up and running and keep it working? phpBB is the program used to run this board, what does it cost and how much support do they actually provide for a group like us, none of whom is really that techno savvy?

Any thoughts, comments, suggestions and concerns you all may have are welcome, except anything from pipshit and his spam or megatron and his stupidity :lol:
Sander said:

Look around a bit, will ya? :P It's just: download, copy files and you're pretty much done, usually.

Hey just cause I'm lazy doesn't mean you get to make fun of me. :(

Jerks! :wink:

PS thanks, I'll look into it.