Bunker 21 Mod


Night Watchman
Staff member
Lich from Fallout Modding Centre has completed his mod for Fallout 2, in his own words:<blockquote>Finally I've completed the construction of my first mod- which adds two new locations on the worldmap: the Poison Truck and Bunker 21. Although the locations aren't large, they're comprised with nearly 30 scripts. They're certainly worth visiting and in my opinion, quite interesting. Frankly, there aren't that many such mods out and the only one I can compare mine to is the Abbey.</blockquote>The mod is also downloadable from FMC.

Hopefully it'll be available at NMA sometime soon.
Something's wrong with the mod's .txt files, mate. They don't open.
Woe is us. I bet you're getting the same "unknown compression method" error as I did initially.

Jargo told me you need to get WinZip 9.0 in order to extract the files.
I've no idea if it's supported by winRAR yet.

Maybe someone could re-pack it with an older version and upload to NMA :D (I can't do that right now, sorry...)
Im DLing the newest winRar version now, so with luck Ill be able to upload a .Rar version soon.


Fuck, still aint work.
I can confirm winzip9 works. Far as I can tell it's all in Polish. The maps are cool - a little sparse. There's some pretty original scenery use on the truck map. Won't spoil it, but it's worth checking out.
PsychoSniper said:

What version of winRar would be needed ? I dont use winzip.

Next thing you will be saying 'I dont use FOT' or 'Windows isnt very good' :lol:
Dack said:
Far as I can tell it's all in Polish.

I'll try to do something about it later today :D Dack, could you e-mail the extracted files to me, it'd spare me some trouble...
I've uploaded a translated version to NMA, this time it's a self-extracting WinZip and also there'a an integrated DAT file version.

Odin or another admin, could you kindly adjust the content of the news post once you've approved the files?

Logging off...
Until the files are approved here, you can get the mod from this location.

Also, the translated readme:
Lich said:
:::How to install?

Place the files in their respective directories and everything should work.
they're in the Fallout main directory
is in the Mapper directory (in scripts)

Or use a mod runner if you have a DAT file version.

It'd be good if you knew the basics of modding because the information in
can be totally modified or pasted manually - it's recommended if you have
your own mod so that you don't lose information (especially additional
locations, which are usually under the numbers 49, 50 in city.txt) If you're
making manual changes, it's important that the information contained in them
is in the correct order (the data in scripts.lst corresponds to scrname.msg
and if the line order is wrong you can experience some unexpected behaviour
when playing the bonus locations)

It is possible that the new locations won't appear until you've started a
new game. There are 2 new locations and you'll find them:

- B21 is south and a bit to the east of Arroyo
- the truck is right between Klamath and the Den
(if they're not there, it means the mod isn't working)

A patch to remove the city limit is necessary, it's available at FMC.

Well, that's about it, to play a mod you have got to have some modding
knowledge. It all works for me and I could access the new locations

:::What does this mod give you?
- 2 new locations
A smaller and a larger one and within 3 dialogues, 26 scripts (try using the
binoculars option on everything in Bunker 21, you'll get some info that way)
Unfortunately, there's no quests, but this is my first released mod -
perhaps it'll be better in the following ones. All in all, it's just a
curiosity, but there aren't many mods like that out and in fact the only mod
I can compare it to is the Abbey.

Have fun, you can also e-mail me skynet5@interia.pl
visit the website: http://warsave.webpark.pl/intro.html
hallo everyone
I'am a creator of this mod

Two or maybe three days of first relase i put this in new version on FMC http://fmc.prv.pl/ , that is a file patch000.dat so everything easy just put this to directory where fallout 2 .exe is and will be work fine.

(how this work? .. everyone knowns on whole world in one day if something new appear- maybe fallout2 just popular game :o)

sorry but most text is in scripts so hard to translate all, next time i will put everything to .msg
Now i work on new great (2) version of this mod- there will be 5 new (connect with scenario) locations

Silencer u are great in translations polish-english (maybe u help me in work on this new mod? join to F2rE 8) http://www.f2re.prv.pl/)
Don't mention it ;)

(had to use hex editor to translate scripts :P )

By the way, Odin ---> how's the file approval going?
There aren't any files to be approved, it might have been to big in size ? email it to me..
The new file has been successfully added

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I've ULed them again, if they don't appear (maybe executables can't be uploaded?) drop me a mail and I'll send them directly to you.

Lich said:
Two or maybe three days of first relase i put this in new version on FMC http://fmc.prv.pl/ , that is a file patch000.dat so everything easy just put this to directory where fallout 2 .exe is and will be work fine.

I've made an integrated version on my own, it'll be available as soon as I'm able to upload is successfuly.