Burst Rule


First time out of the vault
Heyja, sorry i bring this up in a new Thread.
But i am having a verry hard time with this rule in our pnp play.

I have googled about 4 diffrent ways to manage the Burst mode,but still I dont like them, now i came up with my own.
I would like to hear your rule/s or what is better possible.
Nice would be to manage it fast! (not roll every single bullet hit,bullet dmg,bullet crits, etc.)

my Idea:(I combined lots of ideas from this board and others into it.)

Lets say Big guns 67% Burst 20Bullets.

I have 5x 1d10 dices, i roll them once and line them up, then i look at them. 1-7 = hit 8-0=miss.
I roll them again, line them up, then i look at them. 1-7=hit-0=miss
so on 2x

then lets say, 10 out of 20 Bullets would hit.
I roll the dmg 1x = 1d6+20. (I rolled a 3)
Now every bullets does 3+20dmg.

3 Mobs where standing next to each other, each objekt in the cone of burst is getting a hit. Lets example

Mob1 Mob2 Tree Mob3 brokencar

Now that i have 10 Bullets, it will do 3+20 dmg for each bullet starting at 1, then goes on with the second bullet to target 2, third bullet hits target 3, fourth=4, fith=5.
Then it will start over again. sixt=1, seven=2, eight bullet =3 and so on. Is that a good idea ?
seeing if the burst is a crit or not, you can normaly roll on Big Guns (in this case) to see if it is in youre Crit%chance or not. This roll does not effect the dmg or the bullets hitting. Only to check if its a failcrit or a regular crit.

I would like to hear suggestions or diffrent rules.

Ty :-)

a) This I used previously
1. Set difficulty (for example -20) for the roll
2. Roll for every bullet but only with the 10s die (rounded down so if You have skill of 67 You only hit when You roll 6)
3. Check criticals for every 0 an 9
4. Apply damage and cirticals for every bullet that hits.
5. Sometimes more people are hit so divide the shots that hit equally between the targets

b) Now I use this
1. Set difficulty (for example -20) for the roll (so lets say he has 60% chance to hit)
2. Roll one time small or big guns (lets assume he rolls 20)
3. Check critical if any
4. For every 10 points one bullet hits (so in this case 60-20=40 so 4 bullets hit)
5. Check damage
6. Sometimes more people are hit so divide the shots that hit equally between the targets

The thing with the 20 bullet burst modes by Big Guns I actually think this could be only useful with an action like cover fire, and in the original pnp rules there is no rule for that. Lets face it is stupid that one would hit a small target with a Minigun or a M60. I use a cover fire rule for that.
1badmotha said:
b) Now I use this

4. For every 10 points one bullet hits (so in this case 60-20=40 so 4 bullets hit)

Superb idea. Only one throw of dice and you have your results. Me likes :boy:

Two remarks, though...

1) Doesn't it make burst weapons overpowered ? (even if they should be, I have no intention of having all my players choose conveniently to use M16s or Uzis)

2) what happens when you throw a critical ? Let's say your % is 80 after all calculations, and you throw a 1... 8 bullets hit... and they all do criticals ? :shock:
1) No actually not. Because of the STR requirements and the reload times that have changed significantly, You no longer can reload a Big Gun with 2 APs. Besides this is fallout bullets ain't cheep and good assault rifles are rare.
2) Well shit happens :D only one critical occurs.
1badmotha said:
b) Now I use this
1. Set difficulty (for example -20) for the roll (so lets say he has 60% chance to hit)
2. Roll one time small or big guns (lets assume he rolls 20)
3. Check critical if any
4. For every 10 points one bullet hits (so in this case 60-20=40 so 4 bullets hit)
5. Check damage
6. Sometimes more people are hit so divide the shots that hit equally between the targets

The thing with the 20 bullet burst modes by Big Guns I actually think this could be only useful with an action like cover fire, and in the original pnp rules there is no rule for that. Lets face it is stupid that one would hit a small target with a Minigun or a M60. I use a cover fire rule for that.

hm ? cover and fire rule ? how do you count the bullets 60-20=40 if i burst with 3 burst, or 6 burst, 20 ?

but as i was reading it, i liked it so far.
If you fire a weapon in Cover Fire Mode you don't shoot a target but at a zone 5x5 hexes(or meters), so You only roll once for Big Guns. Everyone that is in the zone and is not in cover has a 50% chance of being hit regardles of armor and other modifiers. The requirement is that if you want to fire in the Cover Fire Mode you have to have a skill of at least 70 in Big Guns.

The other rule is for the normal burst mode. So if you shoot a 20 bullet burst and throw 20, his your skill is 60 you hit only with 4 bullets from 20, the other bullets are "lost".
1badmotha said:
The other rule is for the normal burst mode. So if you shoot a 20 bullet burst and throw 20, his your skill is 60 you hit only with 4 bullets from 20, the other bullets are "lost".

whats the Mathcode for this rule ? :)