

First time out of the vault
I was just posting this to get a feel about how everyone felt about the massacre that recenlty happened in Burundi.

I'm not sure what can be done to stem the tide of violence in that part of the world but it just seems that the international community always focuses on the middle-east and its problems and ignores the plight of many african nations.

I know not all of the worlds problems can be solved at once but I think that problems like this most recent attack go largely ignored when it comes to funding and military action.

Anyway, what are your thoughts?
tired007 said:
it just seems that the international community always focuses on the middle-east and its problems and ignores the plight of many african nations.

our belgian foreign minister that just got shipped off to the EU had a strong focus on DemRep Congo, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi. righting the wrongs we did back when they were our colonies i guess... however there is only little a small country like belgium can do alone.
Glad ro see

I'm glad that atleast some countries are doing something. It always seems like my country (USA) jumps in a little to late. Don't get me wrong, I love my country but just like in Kosovo and many other conflicts, the US seems to jump right after it's help was needed the most.
It might be that the country just has too much red tape due to its size. I'm not sure. Just an observation.

Well, there needs to be justification before the United States can "jump in." The problem is that reason usually is not good enough until something horrible occurs. Then there is grounds to intervene.
Kotario said:
Well, there needs to be justification before the United States can "jump in." The problem is that reason usually is not good enough until something horrible occurs. Then there is grounds to intervene.

May I interest you in a pamhplet about Neo-Conism, Kotario?
SuAside said:
tired007 said:
it just seems that the international community always focuses on the middle-east and its problems and ignores the plight of many african nations.

our belgian foreign minister that just got shipped off to the EU had a strong focus on DemRep Congo, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi. righting the wrongs we did back when they were our colonies i guess... however there is only little a small country like belgium can do alone.
However, the EU is, if it wanted to be, a massive force for good. Hell, if it decided to get fucking active in the world, I'd be ready to go over there.

However, Europe (by that I mean France-Germany here, some other nations are'nt as stupid), has done exactly the opposite so far. No matter the situation they just stick thier heads in the sand- just look at what's happening in Iran, millions of lives are at stake, the EU is in a better oppertunity to negotiate then we are, and hte only reason there is'nt a mushroom cloud over Tel Aviv is because of us! Not to mention Sudan! Oh sweet Jesus, the lunacy of it, France vetoing a UN resolution against Sudan for oil deals!
As far as reason

I would say that the assasination of the democratically led president of Burundi in 1993 should have been atleast a warning bell. Since that time about a quarter-million have died in that region due to civil war. I wouldn't say the wait and see approach that the US has been taking for more than a decade has worked out all that well. Of course, thats just my take on things. Just thought I'd bring it up.

Talk to you later,

well, the us is not entirely at fault here, any other country could have stepped in at ANY TIME...

but no... they choose to stay back in the shadows and wait for the us to handle the situation, then if things dont go smoothly, they can critisize the US... fuck this shit...

We do have the means to take a leading role in some of these affairs. I'm not a war monger but I spent almost a year on active duty while in the reserves over 9 years and the only time it seemed we stepped in was when things got out of hand. I don't believe that the US should be the only one up to bat, but it would be nice if we actually was proactive every once in a while and No, I don't think Iraq is being proactive. Sending our soldiers into a situation where the crap has already hit the fan is simply bad policy. Hell, just look at Somolia and I wouldn't be suprised to see the same thing happen in Liberia.

Instead of simply fighting terrorism, there should be a more concerted effort by the UN to actually stop these hot spots from boiling over. It's not simply a regions problem, but the worlds problem. Whenever one of these civil wars gets out of hand, it allows extremists a new foothold on the world. They come in, preaching the virtues of hating this group or that group and build up a nice little army of devoted followers. We can't keep going in after the fact like some Knight in shining armor because the people who witnessed the atrocities always ask the same question. Where were you before? Where were you when my family was being slaughtered? Where were you when I force marched from my land? Where were you as I watched my mother and sister being raped? That is why it is so hard to win the trust of a broken people.
Thier saviors were the groups that said, "take arms with us and we will protect you" "sacfifice yourself for us and we will save your family." Extemeists may come with empty promises, but they are the only ones whose voice seems to be heard among the rifle rounds and exploding mortars. We need to make our voice heard as well or we add fuel to a situation of hate.

Well, that about sums it up. Didn't mean to offend anyone, so if you are offended please accept my appology and let me now when you come to Iowa, I'll buy you a beer and you can tell me what a dumb ass I am. :D

Talk to you all later

there also is a problem with stepping in too early...

people will not say "Where were you when my family was being slaughtered?" but more "WTF are you doing here, this is my land and we can handle it alone!". especially with the current prejudice against the US at this point in time (although i have to say it isnt without grounds)

i believe something should be done, but what? an armed force can not resolve everything (belgium will only do that under a UN flag, and thats not going to happen). at this moment belgium is trying to support the stable factions in those countries, but if they fall, the shit will hit the fan quickly (like we see or will see in burundi). these other factions will of course hate belgium for the help they gave the other party and with it will disappear all chances of further action in that country.
tired007 said:
I'm glad that atleast some countries are doing something. It always seems like my country (USA) jumps in a little to late. Don't get me wrong, I love my country but just like in Kosovo and many other conflicts, the US seems to jump right after it's help was needed the most.
It might be that the country just has too much red tape due to its size. I'm not sure. Just an observation.

The war in Bosna stopped,because of the USA and the union(I do not know its English name,but its main office is in Bruxelles).The Serbians had to deport all the Serbian Mohammedans,who say:"We are Turks"(their names are slavonic and christianic,but this is offtopic).After that Clinton acted very,very stupidly-the idiot attacked Serbia,but what did you expect of him.

tired007 said:
Instead of simply fighting terrorism, there should be a more concerted effort by the UN to actually stop these hot spots from boiling over.
Oh.G.W.Bush:"We're fiting against terrorism"-and he thinks that the whole world believe him that America is in the middle-East for freedom,human rights,etc...And at the same time America draw the neft :evil:
i think the shit will hit the fan soon now.

Burundi is accusing the Dem Rep of Kongo of the massmurder of 160 Tutsi refugees. Burundi is already talking about teaming up with Rwanda and invading D.R. Kongo.

fucking fools...
One thing I find interesting is that:

1) When the US steps in, they're accused of trying to police the world.

2) When the US doesn't step in, it's criticized for either not reacting, or not reacting soon enough.

People can't have it both ways.
Should interesting

Well, when all is said and done. I guess we live in interesting times.

Can't change the world..... So I'm a goin' fishing. There be a walleye with my name written on it :D