

First time out of the vault
Hi there. I just get first Fallout. Everything was good, until Hub. Now, if I try to talk with Butch to get the job, game freezes, and only ESC helps quit the game. I have windows vista, GeForce 9300m GS. Any ideas?
Are you using the latest teamx patch? You can find all the patches in the nma downloads section, if you aren't using it I suggest upgrading to the most recent patch.
I patched the game with two patches, and problem persists. The game freezed multiple times also while fighting Raiders. What can I do?
Did you patch and then try to continue your same saved game? Read the readmes of the patches you installed. Often, you will have to start a new game after installing a patch.
I find out what the problem was. I was using damaged game. Now I have another, and the game don't freezes at all.
I have found that some nero files carry the same file acronym as one of the more important fallout data file types.

I was having tons of crashes but then I looked at my Fallout folder and saw one of the files said "opens with Nero Smart Start"

I removed Nero and no more crashes.

I install Nero again whenever I finish a Fallout 1/2 play through.