Bye bye Ion Storm

What the fuck is wrong with these people? They have Thief 3 right now, which will obviously make them a lot of money, and yet, they want to switch to consoles only and make shitty games that no one will buy. Not to mention Deus Ex. What's going to happen to these awesome franchies? Fuck these retards man. They're goin the way of the Caen. Assholes.
I think it has to do with Eidos and their financial troubles. Man, I hate Eidos, they are one of the worst publishers ever, even worse than Electronic Arts. They extinguished several prominent studios so far, including the legendary LGS, they exploit every franchize to death and have the audacity to blame developers for the fact that people don't want to buy the same lame bullshit for nth time (Tomb Raider, anyone?), they invest into projects that are obvious commercial crap, etc. EA is at least successful, but these Eidos morons are just greedy corporate weasels. I hope their financial problems eventually destroy them.
FUCKTARDS! I was waiting for Deus ex 3, for fucking out loud! Why, why in the name of all that is mathematically correct are they doing this? Is it just "yeah, we're not really having financial troubles, but our CEO was lonely as a child, and he needs attention, so that's why he's bringing down our company." Just change publisher, you motherfuckers. Also, investing in the PS2 ONLY is like investing in the Segway. It just don't work together.
Ha, Eidos is going to lose out big on this one. Hell, PC gamers that have PS2s as well probably won't buy any more Ion Storm games just out of spite. It's hilarious.
Here's part of an email exchange I had with a now ex-Ion Storm developer:

I was one of the many laid off. I'd say about 25 or so were there today getting laid off, and there were probably four or five more people who weren't there (I only know of ONE for sure, though) who were also laid off. This was the first real layoff I've been involved in, so I don't know how it normally goes. However, they brought in HR from San Francisco to make sure things went by the book, and our access to our company's network was cut off immediately. This was the strangest batch of firings I've ever seen hit a company. There were a lot of REALLY talented people cut today: artists, designers, and programmers. I didn't notice any management being cut. A big shame all in all. Some of the instrumental people who fixed a lot of the problems that would have made Thief not ship on time (or with all of the problems that plagued DX2) and some of the people who were on Thief from the beginning were all cut. It was really deep cuts, and wasn't just a bunch of losers. Oh well, life must go on!

The current state of Ion is strange. I still have friends there, and they're not thrilled about what's happened and what is still happening. I guess the thing that I'd really say is: how many game companies have you seen that have had massive layoffs that suddenly did well afterwards? I have my doubts about the future of Ion Storm. I wish them success, for the sake of my friends and the game industry in Austin. I just don't have much hope. They've cut the studio to a one-team-one-project studio. Also, Warren Spector is no longer with Ion, as I understand it.

Update: We're told the PS2 rumour is incorrect, although "PS2 will be added to the list of consoles that the forthcoming title will be developed for".

It's sad to see these things happen and we wish all the staff involved the very best and good luck in securing new positions.

Thanks to RPGDot for the update.
Eidos Interactive bloody well killed the developer Mucky Foot, the creators of Startopia. It was their only truly original game, since they depended on licenced games for their income as a small developer, and even though it got good reviews and word of mouth, Eidos did a less than half-assed job in advertising the game (so it wasn't successful overall, simply because people didn't know it existed). They can all rot in hell.

Deus ex is one of my favourite games EVER!

I meen i know the latest one sucked dwarven rectum but it is a deus ex game dammit! And i would prefer more games of that quality then none at all! Oh god DEUS EX! Im sorry, i cant post anything of value, im in mourning...