Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corner of the Earth..


Vault Senior Citizen
Good game (voice-acting, storyline, no Hud, The insanity system, creep factor which is not like 'Boo! a monster pop-out from somewhere') with MAJOR BAD gameplay setting (irritating savepoint system, annoying graphic bugs which can slowdown gameplay). I can't finish the last level without the help of user-made patch.

Geez, to think tormenting someone repeating a level 15 times is fun that's crazy. But this game reminds me of Clive Barker's Undying, only better if it's not all those bugs... :cry:
I'm thinking about getting it but I'm concerned about all the bad stuff I've heard about it, like the save system and the bugs. But I liked Undying and it had it's faults too.

I don't know if there's a demo, I wasn't able to find one...
while i love Lovecraft, CoC:DCotE sucked donkeyballs...

console conversion CRAP is the best way to describe it. this gameplay is acceptable for a console it seems, but this stuff does not belong on my computer. i deleted the trash.
I don't know it wasn't that bad, the athmosphere was there and the story was well done. But yes it did suffer from many things like huge amount of random deaths, annoying safe opening scenes(its just so frustrating even if you know the combination you cant get it open :/). Overall its good so if you can get your hands on it try it out. The game reminded me a lot of Clive Bakers Undying and thats not a bad thing.
you forgot to add 100% linear (this is CoC ffs, it's supposed to be an investigation with hints & clues everywhere), fubar save system & sucky ui/handling. ;)

i must admit the atmosphere was ok & the sanity was well done though.
I enjoyed it for awhile, but eventually lost interest due to everything that has already been said. I love Cthulhu, but not enough to play through crap. Eternal Darkness was good though. Play that instead. Gamecube only though.....damn.
I'd recommend Blackstone chronicles, if you want a decent creepy game.

It's set inside a abandonded mental asylum, where your son has been kidnapped.You have 'til midnight to work your way through the puzzles, including timed ones resulting in death should you not complete them on time, and find your son.
It's an old game, but a very enjoyable one as well.