Call of Duty2 demo

Its a boring, linear, historically inaccurate, contrived and extremely easy first person rail shooter. The weapons are particularly weak sounding, sniping with a thompson submachine gun is a workable tactic, the scripted scenes, which were the strongest point in the first one, is at an all time low now. The action is stale, the "Inifinite health" bar completely destroys any enjoyment I might have taken from the game. Soviet soldiers randomly shout in scottish accents, Germans can't pronounce sturmgewehr correctly, the vehicles are rediculous.

The best addition to the game is the smoke grenade, which is really only useful in Multiplay, which is remarkably weak anyways.

So if you liked the first one, you'll like this one.

And its GameStop not Gamespot, if I'm not mistaken.
I have never heard of a GameSpot retail store with gaming systems set up for people to play.

GameStop on the other hand, I am quite familier with, as they have recently bought out, I mean merged, with EB Games, although both are owned by Barnes and Noble.

This may just be the case in North America though. Are there a great many GameSpot stores in Finland, comrade?

I'm sure Welsh will gladly clear up his situation for us though.
The Commissar said:
I have never heard of a GameSpot retail store with gaming systems set up for people to play.

GameStop on the other hand, I am quite familier with, as they have recently bought out, I mean merged, with EB Games, although both are owned by Barnes and Noble.

This may just be the case in North America though. Are there a great many GameSpot stores in Finland, comrade?

I'm sure Welsh will gladly clear up his situation for us though.

Damn, I misunderstood. Gamespot is only for game previews, reviews, demos, media etc. place.
The Commissar said:
Its a boring, linear, historically inaccurate, contrived and extremely easy first person rail shooter. The weapons are particularly weak sounding, sniping with a thompson submachine gun is a workable tactic, the scripted scenes, which were the strongest point in the first one, is at an all time low now. The action is stale, the "Inifinite health" bar completely destroys any enjoyment I might have taken from the game. Soviet soldiers randomly shout in scottish accents, Germans can't pronounce sturmgewehr correctly, the vehicles are rediculous.

Call of Doody 2: Sucks the Big Red One
Here's something that will make your day: in weeks immediately following the release of Call of Duty 2 there was virtually no support for the game. When you consider the fact that the game shipped with abundant bugs and exploits, you can imagine what that did for the multiplayer aspect. Suffice to say that even now servers are ruled by kids with aimbots and other hacking utilities. Activision's official response to complaints of outraged players was that the development went on a collective vacation when CoD2 shipped. Comedy gold. Though knowing this is coming from a company which released two versions of Spiderman 2 and tried to swindle the customers by claiming they were both identical, I'm not particularly shocked.