In my posts ahead, I will be detailing the cities, villages, and important random counters that players can travel to. Anything in the quotes should be read more-or-less verbatim to the players, and the rest is left up to the GM how to describe it.
As everyone knows, the Vaults were constructed as a grand social experiment, under the auspices of the carefully controlled VaultTek Corporation. Each Vault was designed to test a slightly different mix of people, under different circumstances. Vault 67 was slightly different than the rest, as it originally started construction under private ownership - a dozen billionaires got together, and pooled funds to construct a larger, more fortified, and more lavish Vault than the ones touted by VaultTek. Unfortunately to them, due to careful interference by the government, the corporation bought their Vault out from under them, and then began selling off spaces in the Vault for the low, low price of $25,000,000 per person.
So, numbered 67, the Vault became a haven for the rich and snobby who lived near the location in Rome, Georgia.
As everyone knows, the Vaults were constructed as a grand social experiment, under the auspices of the carefully controlled VaultTek Corporation. Each Vault was designed to test a slightly different mix of people, under different circumstances. Vault 67 was slightly different than the rest, as it originally started construction under private ownership - a dozen billionaires got together, and pooled funds to construct a larger, more fortified, and more lavish Vault than the ones touted by VaultTek. Unfortunately to them, due to careful interference by the government, the corporation bought their Vault out from under them, and then began selling off spaces in the Vault for the low, low price of $25,000,000 per person.
So, numbered 67, the Vault became a haven for the rich and snobby who lived near the location in Rome, Georgia.
War. War never changes.
In the late twenty-first century, mankind finally ran out of room. As the steady pace of technology progressed, people began living longer and healthier, surviving and wiping out diseases that once killed millions. Advances in manufacturing, chemical production, helped everyone produce more with the resources they had available. But even these advances were not enough to help humanity keep pace with its own growth.
So history began to repeat itself. Whenever people have been forced to make do with less, they instinctively turn towards their neighbors, seeking to plunder and take everything for themselves. Looting and robberies started to rise, terrorists from dozens of countries attacked each other, and even the calmest and most civilized nations were forced to turn to armed force to quell the rebellions in their midst. As tempers flared, some seized the opportunity, riding to power by preaching hatred and intolerance against an enemy that existed largely in their heads.
When the first nuclear missles were launched, the entire world dissolved into a chaotic swarm of robbers and criminals, every person interested solely in seizing what little they could before life, as they knew it, was brought to a blazing halt. Your familes barely escaped the riots in Atlanta, fleeing to the underground Vault protected by a small army of hired thugs while the poor and downtrodden tried to enact vengeance on you for the sorry state of the world.
Those events left the Vault dwellers so scarred that when the all-clear signal sounded, ten years later, they all elected to stay in the Vault, waiting for further contact with the central command before risking their lives to the wastelands. And as the years slipped past, and only silence was heard, thoughts of the outside faded away, content to live in their self containted paradise and forget the awful past.
But the rest of the world has not forgotten them. And hatred has a legacy all its own.