Can a stat drop below 1?


First time out of the vault

First time poster, so if this has already been asked and answered, I do apologise, suggestions to RTFM or JFGI welcomed (especially with links ;) ) I've searched the forums and walkthrough and found nada along these lines.

Basically, I ran into the Masticator, and now have a lovely ear keyring, or perhaps a pendant for that lucky girl. However, as my charisma is already at 1, will losing the ear drop it to zero? The character sheet displays 1, but my paranoia kicked in.

Not that I was doing much with that charisma, aside from developing mentat addications whenever I wanted a new NPC.

Thanks in advance for any assistance offered. Alternately, if there's a guide to the save file(directory...) format, that I can use with a hex editor to reassure myself, a link would be awesome..
Nope, it can't go below 1, just as it can't effectively go above 10.
Fantastic, reload be damned! Couldn't face the thought of sitting through the announcer again.

Thanks for the confirmation.
However, you will notice the "debt" in the stat should you ever have it increased (e.g. mirror shades, Gain Charisma or the memory module), you will need two improvements to reach CH 2.

However, the effective CH can't drop below 1, as Sander said.
Ah thanks for the heads up, glad I went out hunting Mentats. I'm going to need to drop off Sulik and Cassidy for Navarro, and I'd like to get them back afterwards, even if it does take a week to lose the Mentat addiction.

Ninja edit...