Can i play fallout3 with my weak laptop?


First time out of the vault
Hello,i have a weak laptop and would like to buy fallout because i really love fallout and and even if i know that fallout 3 is quite different and that some players are infuriated i would like to try it.

However requirements are:Processor 2,4GHZ

Graphic card:nvdia 6800Goal

And here is what i have:Processor 1,8Ghz,and Graphic card 6200Go

I know it is low but with such configuration i could played loki,even if there was lag in areas with myst or snow.

At the store people told me it could be ok putting graphic options to the minimum,so do u think it could work?

I began playing on computers two years ago so i am really noob in this domain.

NB:Recently something on my computer was put from 512 to 1024(it is a story of memory i believe).